Monday, May 6, 2013

See you on SUNDAY!!!

Hello Hello everyone! Thank you for the emails. I sounds like some exciting events are taking place this week- mission calls and engagements. I am excited to hear all about them on Sunday. Before I forget to tell you, Sister Gee's sister in law is Denny Shepherd. She was in our League City ward. Mom was her young womens' president. Also, someone named Erin Stringham (no idea who she is.) She knows Sister Gee's aunt and saw a picture of us and said that she knew our family. A few days ago I took Riley Roger's mom and dad on tour. Riley is one of Kevin Boyer's good friends. The mom was so nice. She is a friend of Debbie's. The mom was taking tons of pictures of me on tour and said that she would get them to ya'll. Not sure if she did or not. Have Mccall ask Riley and she can get the pictures to you.

This week was a good week. Our schedule has changed at sites because it is now the busy season. We have big old bus tours coming in. We are not at sites 4 days a week and in our area 2 days a week. It makes it really hard to teach and find people but I guess at sites we are still doing the Lord's will. It doesn't matter where you are you can still do the Lord's will. 

So remember Kent? I just love him so much. He is from Aurora, Colorado. He finally checked himself into an inpatient rehab center so we haven't been able to talk with him. His girlfriend Jennifer hasn't been interested in learning from us. We decided to just be really nice to her and let her see that Mormons are normal people. We would email her back and forth and ask how their new baby is doing and how she is doing. On Friday we got this email from her:

Hey, Sorry that I haven't been in my email. I haven't heard anything from Kent since the latest email. Jeremiah had an ear infection for a few days so I was dealing with that of course he was not a happy little fellow with all of that going on. You know I have been praying about it and I would like to go ahead and to talk to about your beliefs. I mean what harm does talking about it have. You were talking about the possibility of doing this over chat, I believe I would be interested in it.


When we got that email I screamed. We didn't even ask her to meet with us or to pray about it. It goes to show that being an example can bring the Spirit into people's lives. It is so cool. We are going to chat with her Tuesday night. We have a really good lesson plan for her. We are going to teach her parts of the plan of salvation- focusing on the purpose of life and eternal families. Please pray for us all Tuesday. We really want them to get baptized. They are an awesome family. Kent and her are planning on getting married after his treatment. He read about the law of chastity and he really wants to keep it so they have committed to getting married. 

This week we also did something really fun. The mission knows that I taught school so they asked Sister Gee and I to help volunteer at the Lake County Historical Society Center. Once a week they put on a field trip for schools to come. They have a one room school house, a log cabin and some other fun things. (Remember when we did that at Ferguson?) The part that they needed us to do is to teach the kids how to make candles. They gave us all this information about how the people in the 1800s made candles. We present the info and then we help them dip their own candles. We even get to dress us like pioneers. haha! Sister Gee is terrified of children. She has no idea what to do when she gets up in front of them. I told her that kids were my specialty so she let me do my thing. We have been assigned to do this ever Wednesday for the next few months. This week was our first week. It was an interesting week because the group that came was special needs. It was a group of about 12- 15-30 year olds. Sister Gee was really uncomfortable around then (just because she has never been around people like this). I jumped right in and took care of everything. There was some pretty severe special needs, of course there is always an autistic kid screaming in the corner (Ian). There was the cutest Down Syndrome girl named Ellen. She was 22 years old. The lady that is in charge of the Historical Society was really impressed with me. (Sorry I am bragging again). She said  that it is really hard for people to take all of the candle making information and directions and tailor it to special needs people but I did a really good job at it. I loved it. I wish Austy was there. He would have dipped a mean candle! haha!  

Well I am excited to see you all on Sunday! Sister Gee is really excited to meet ya'll. Maybe something funny we can do to trick her is for ya'll to wear something really ugly or look like dorks or wear dumb hats. I think that would be so funny. She would be like uh.... haha! I guess as a missionary you get bored and dumb things start sounding like good, fun ideas.

I guess now I am Sister Frampton the elder! haha

Love you all!!!!!!!!

Sunday, May 5, 2013

More about Kent

Hey everyone. Thanks for the emails this week. I loved them. Fun that Dall and Car are in Kenya. So fun for them. A few highlights of this week: I played a musical number for Sacrament meeting. Only a few people have musical talents in the ward so it was a fun way to serve the ward. Also, a new art exhibit was sent to Kirtland. When it came the site director had no idea how to set it up. We were all in a meeting and he said "does anyone have any experience with art museums?" All of the sudden I found myself standing up saying "I do." AHHH what the heck? When you have the spirit with you you end up doing things without even knowing you are doing them. I love art history and I spent a study abroad studying museums. How hard could it be to set up an exhibit? Well it took me 3 days to get it perfect. I was left alone with 10 huge paintings and my comp studying in the corner. I walked in an out of the room trying my best to make sure that the way I arranged them brought the spirit to Kirtland. You should have seen me. I was up on this huge latter adjusting lights and measuring heights. After I finished the site director walked in and he got tears in his eyes. He kept saying this is spectaculor. (Sorry I am taking a moment to brag.) He was really impressed and pleased with my work. I had a lot of fun doing it. The site director was so impressed with my work that he took pictures of it and sent it to the Missionary committee in Salt Lake. The local newspaper came to interview me and asked questions like "How did you decide where everything goes? How did you decide lighting?" The only answer I could give was "I was directed by the Spirit." Sunday was opening night for the exhibit. It was packed. I seriously felt like a celebrity. It was so weird. I just follwed the site director around as he introduced me to upity up people from the community. I was able to have a good 10 min conversation with the mayor and his wife. It is soo cool that missionary work comes in tons of different forms. Because I had the spirit with me I was able to set up this beautiful exhibit and help nonmembers feel the Spirit and want to know why they feel so good. It was a really cool experience for me.
So here is a chat that we had with our dear friend Kent this week. I will summarize it just in case it is hard to understand. Last week we mailed Kent a Book of Mormon but it got sent back to us for some reason. He has only been able to read it online so he hasn't been able to read it whenever he wants to. During this conversation he is at the library trying to print off chapters of the Book so he can always have something to read. (Rebecca is my companion-Sister Gee and me is well... me Jennifer  is Kent's girlfriend.)
Rebecca: Hey so we realized you don't have the Book of mormon because it got sent back o us.

Rebecca: Are you able to print off some pages at the library?
Kent: yea
Kent: i could do that
Rebecca: sweet. Will you do that right now?
Kent: anything specific i should print off
Me: yes
Rebecca: Go to alma 36
Rebecca: Also Mosiah 27 is good
Rebecca: alma 34, 35 and 36
Me: alma 32
Rebecca: 2 nephi 9 and 31
Me: Those are all chapters
Rebecca: 1 nephi 7
Me: 1 nephi 8
Kent: oh ok
Kent: they lady said it is 10 cents each but gave me the code to print for free! that is so nice of her.
Me: That is God showing you he loves you
Me: he made that happen for you because the Book of Mormon will change your life
Me: for good
Rebecca: Miracle. God just showed you that He is going to help you
Me: You are going to have a new life
Kent: i just printed off the first few
Me: perfect

Kent: wow the librarian just brought me the stuff i printed
Me: Such a nice lady
Kent: and she just said "hey i know the book of mormon"
Rebecca: So cool.
Me: go teach her more about the Book of Mormon
Kent: i cant do that haha she probably knows more than me!
Me: Then go learn from her
Me: haha
Kent: welp she just said she said shes a member of your church
Rebecca: Stop
Rebecca: kent
Rebecca: That is so cool.
Rebecca: Talk to her
Me: You don't realize that God put her in your path because he loves you
Kent: the librarian just asked if she could talk to you guys here on chat.
Me: Tell her we said that she can.
Kent: Hey guys totally cant stop for too long but couldnt help it!
Kent: ive seen this young man come in and chat on ur site in the library a few times
Kent: I feel the Holy Ghost when I watch him chat with you

Kent: my names Kendra
Me: How perfect is this!
Rebecca: Hey Kendra
Kent: i work here in the library
Rebecca: Thanks for printing off those papers for Kent
Me: Ya we are missionaries in Ohio and we have been teaching him for about 3 weeks
Kent: I can do better than helpin him print pages for free ive got a copy in my car
Rebecca: Oh my goodness
Rebecca: Thank you so much!
Rebecca: This is a miracle
Me: The Gospel is so true
Rebecca: We were wondering how we could get him a hard copy because the copy we mailed him got sent back
Kent: my testimony has been strengthened so much
Me: Ours too
Me: This is amazing!!!
Me: Heavenly Father loves us
Kent: that he does!
Me: You are an amazing member of the church
Kent: one moment i gotta help a srudent
Me: Thank you so much Kendra
Kent: u are so welcome!
Rebecca: Yah.
Kent: Ok this is kent again. ha that lady has been really nice to me here at the libary
Rebecca: KENT
Me: She has a book of mormon in her car for you
Rebecca: that is so cool
Me: God is blessing you
Rebecca: She just happened to have one for you.
Kent: yea thats cool
Rebecca: See? God is looking out for you :)
Me: This is the path that you need to be on
Kent: i think so!
Kent: ha she is the nicest libraian i ever met
Me: I am crying right now.
Me: She is nice because she has our church in her life
Rebecca: That is how the people at church are. They are all nice and want to help you
Me: People are on your side
Rebecca: God is on your side.
Rebecca: You can do it!
Kent: shes back haha
Kent: Ok this is Kendra again. Hey sorry I just wanted to thank you guys for serving on a mission
Rebecca: little miracles like this make it all worth it :)
Kent: it is so cool!
Kent: i have been a member of the church for almost 3 yrs
Kent: i am a convert and things like this do indeed make it worth it
Rebecca: Oh that is awesome!
Me: It couldnt be possible without help from the Holy Ghost
Me: and without prepared members like you
Rebecca: :)
Me: Thank you so much
Kent: I have to be honest and tell you that i had been recently struggling
Kent: and i just started reading my scriptures again and thats why i have a copy in my car
Kent: i read it during my breaks
Me: The Book of Mormon can make miracles happen.
Me: I know that if you will read the Book of Mormon every single day that God will take care of you.
Rebecca: Oh my goodness. That is so neat. It is true that you help others as you try to help yourself become the person God want you to be 
Me: Please feel free to call us whenever. Our number is 440-256-9805
Kent: oh ok wonderful!
Kent: i will save it
Me: Take care of Kent for us
Me: Thank you so much!
Kent: i better get back to shelving books but i really needed to tall you that
Kent: *tell
Me: :)
Rebecca: Well it has been a delight talking to you. Thanks for all you do 
Me: Have a great day Kendra!
Kent: Thanks you both are such dears!
Kent: May I ask how long you have been on a mission
Rebecca: yes I have been out for 9 months
Me: I have been on a mission almost 7 months
Kent: wonderful! Keep serving!
Kent: ok bye for now
Me: Bye
Rebecca: Kent?
Kent: im right here haha
Kent: that lady is neat
Me: How are you feeling right now Kent?
Kent: without words
Me: us too
Me: I was just crying because I was so happy
Me: legit tears down my cheeks
Me: haha
Kent: oh snaps
Rebecca: I have a big ol smile on my face because I feel the love God has for you
Me: Can ye feel so now?
Kent: i can!
Kent: i just had no idea she was also a member
Kent: she lets me use a computer where i dont gotta keep loggin in
Kent: must of been cuz she noticed i was on a chat
Me: And she knows that the church will help you
Me: because it has helped her
Rebecca: It is so clear that God is placing people in your life to help you
Me: i might have looked like that crying
Me: haha no just kidding
Rebecca: She was crying tears of joy :)
Kent: what are tears of joy?
Me: more like this
Me: a big old smile
Me: have you ever been so touched or happy before that you have cried?
Rebecca: It is when you are crying because you are so happy
Me: like when you look at jeremiah
Me: or when you hold him?
Me: It's when you cry because you are so happy
Kent: yea i did that when he was first born
Me: Thats why i was crying
Me: becasue i was happy
Me: *because
Me: those are tears of joy
Me: How does it feel to hold the Book of Mormon
Me: ?
Kent: awesome!
Kent: i got my own copy! its rather sweet
Rebecca: That is so exciting. It feels good because it is right.
Me: The Book of Mormon is true
Rebecca: That Book will become one of your best friends if you let it.
Kent: :)
Rebecca: I have grown to love the Book of Mormon when I feel alone I read the Book of Mormon and it helps me feel loved.
Kent: but Jennifer doesnt believe in the Book of Mormon
Me: Don't let that discourage you
Rebecca: At least she sees that it helps you and you know it helps you
Me: When it's the right time she will see how great it is.
Me: You should share this experience with her. That the lady just so happened to have one in her car to give you.
Kent: i so will!
Isn't that seriously so cool? Not only were we able to help Kent get a Book of Mormon, we also helped a member that has been struggling. AHH the gospel is so true. It is awesome. I love being able to help people. The visitors' center is so cool. I love being able to chat with people from all over the world!!!!! I love you all and miss you like crazy!! YAY McCall! You are going to be doing awesome things like this once you leave! Thanks for your support. PS I love getting letters in the mail so don't be afraid to drop one my way.
Sister Frampton