Monday, May 6, 2013

See you on SUNDAY!!!

Hello Hello everyone! Thank you for the emails. I sounds like some exciting events are taking place this week- mission calls and engagements. I am excited to hear all about them on Sunday. Before I forget to tell you, Sister Gee's sister in law is Denny Shepherd. She was in our League City ward. Mom was her young womens' president. Also, someone named Erin Stringham (no idea who she is.) She knows Sister Gee's aunt and saw a picture of us and said that she knew our family. A few days ago I took Riley Roger's mom and dad on tour. Riley is one of Kevin Boyer's good friends. The mom was so nice. She is a friend of Debbie's. The mom was taking tons of pictures of me on tour and said that she would get them to ya'll. Not sure if she did or not. Have Mccall ask Riley and she can get the pictures to you.

This week was a good week. Our schedule has changed at sites because it is now the busy season. We have big old bus tours coming in. We are not at sites 4 days a week and in our area 2 days a week. It makes it really hard to teach and find people but I guess at sites we are still doing the Lord's will. It doesn't matter where you are you can still do the Lord's will. 

So remember Kent? I just love him so much. He is from Aurora, Colorado. He finally checked himself into an inpatient rehab center so we haven't been able to talk with him. His girlfriend Jennifer hasn't been interested in learning from us. We decided to just be really nice to her and let her see that Mormons are normal people. We would email her back and forth and ask how their new baby is doing and how she is doing. On Friday we got this email from her:

Hey, Sorry that I haven't been in my email. I haven't heard anything from Kent since the latest email. Jeremiah had an ear infection for a few days so I was dealing with that of course he was not a happy little fellow with all of that going on. You know I have been praying about it and I would like to go ahead and to talk to about your beliefs. I mean what harm does talking about it have. You were talking about the possibility of doing this over chat, I believe I would be interested in it.


When we got that email I screamed. We didn't even ask her to meet with us or to pray about it. It goes to show that being an example can bring the Spirit into people's lives. It is so cool. We are going to chat with her Tuesday night. We have a really good lesson plan for her. We are going to teach her parts of the plan of salvation- focusing on the purpose of life and eternal families. Please pray for us all Tuesday. We really want them to get baptized. They are an awesome family. Kent and her are planning on getting married after his treatment. He read about the law of chastity and he really wants to keep it so they have committed to getting married. 

This week we also did something really fun. The mission knows that I taught school so they asked Sister Gee and I to help volunteer at the Lake County Historical Society Center. Once a week they put on a field trip for schools to come. They have a one room school house, a log cabin and some other fun things. (Remember when we did that at Ferguson?) The part that they needed us to do is to teach the kids how to make candles. They gave us all this information about how the people in the 1800s made candles. We present the info and then we help them dip their own candles. We even get to dress us like pioneers. haha! Sister Gee is terrified of children. She has no idea what to do when she gets up in front of them. I told her that kids were my specialty so she let me do my thing. We have been assigned to do this ever Wednesday for the next few months. This week was our first week. It was an interesting week because the group that came was special needs. It was a group of about 12- 15-30 year olds. Sister Gee was really uncomfortable around then (just because she has never been around people like this). I jumped right in and took care of everything. There was some pretty severe special needs, of course there is always an autistic kid screaming in the corner (Ian). There was the cutest Down Syndrome girl named Ellen. She was 22 years old. The lady that is in charge of the Historical Society was really impressed with me. (Sorry I am bragging again). She said  that it is really hard for people to take all of the candle making information and directions and tailor it to special needs people but I did a really good job at it. I loved it. I wish Austy was there. He would have dipped a mean candle! haha!  

Well I am excited to see you all on Sunday! Sister Gee is really excited to meet ya'll. Maybe something funny we can do to trick her is for ya'll to wear something really ugly or look like dorks or wear dumb hats. I think that would be so funny. She would be like uh.... haha! I guess as a missionary you get bored and dumb things start sounding like good, fun ideas.

I guess now I am Sister Frampton the elder! haha

Love you all!!!!!!!!

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