Thursday, November 21, 2013


Hey everyone. Once again thanks for all of the emails this week. I really needed them! I am freaking out today! President came to the Visitors' Center on Sunday and asked if he could talk with me. President never does this so I was really worried. I was worried I did something wrong. He said that there are a lot of new missionaries here in the mission. He said that he needs a missionary that is experienced and knows what they are doing to go out and help these new missionaries. He said that he knows that I can be that missionary. He asked me if I would be willing to leave the Visitors' Center for 2 transfers (3 months) and serve on the other side of the mission. WHATTT??? This has happened to Sisters in the past but this is a rare thing. I am really nervous. I love Christmas at the Visitors' Center- remember from last year all of the nativities they set up and how well they take care of us at Christmas? I told President that I was really nervous but that I would do it. FYI: This means that my mailing address will change. I don't know what it will be yet so as of now send all my things to the missions office 2070 West 11th Street Lakewood, OH 44111.
In my letter last week I totally forgot to mention 2 of the most important things. On the 2nd Connee and Chuck went to the Columbus temple and did baptisms for the dead. I was able to get on and find a few ancestors that needed baptisms. I gave those to them and they were baptized for them. So cool! They loved it! Then the next Sunday Chuck passed the Sacrament. He did a really great job.
Last week we went to Costco and got our flu shots. That was exciting. We also had Zone Conference. It was so great. President helped us practicing teaching really simply! It was awesome. A few Saturdays ago we met a lady named Lita. We knocked on her door and she opened it and said "No thanks" and then closed the door. We were like "Whatever" and kept on tracting about 5 doors down Lita yelled from her porch for us to come back. We were invited inside and she had a lot of questions and was ready to argue. She actually reminded us a lot of when we first met Connee. We asked her if we could come back and she said we could. We called Connee and asked her if she would come with us. The next night Connee, Cory, Chuck came with us for FHE to teach Lita. They did amazing. Lita was really defensive but by the end of the lesson she had softened, given us her number and asked us to come back. Way to go Francis family!!! So proud of them.

Also a few days ago Chuck signed up to come teaching with us. We had planned to rake random people's yards for service. We knocked on one of Chuck's neighbor's door and he said that we could rake it. He was really cool. He came out and as we raked he asked us all about the church. He was really receptive. He said that he is Catholic and has been looking for another religion. He brought out cookies for us and told us to help ourselves. So nice! He accepted a Book of Mormon and asked for a schedule of all of the things that go on at our church. He said we could come back next Saturday. I hope that Sister Ahrendsen remembers to follow up with him. He is golden. He has 5 kids and all of them are above the golden age of 8!! :)
I got a letter this week in the mail from Grandma Schaar! Thanks Grandma! I love you!
It was really hard for me to tell Chris, Connee and Chuck that I am getting transferred. Chris has school tonight so we had to do an over the phone goodbye but we are going to Connee and Chuck's tonight. It is going to be hard but the ward is really great and is already taking such great care of them. Chris sent me the nicest email today: 

Sister Frampton:
So,First I wanna thank you for being my rock.Ive known you for a longer than almost anyone in the church.Ive learned so much from you.If it wasnt for you I dont know if id be a member of the church.You made it click for me.So thank you so much!
Im sorry you have to leave,but God needs you somewhere else right now.God knows best,we both know that.You are an amazing missionary so im confident that wherever they put you,you'll come out on top.Thats your nature.Im really proud of you for your service.I have a lot of respect for you.
So because I cant email over the phone too well ill cut this short.
We'll keep in touch.Im here when ya need me.
Oh,and I promise to keep in touch with Chuck and Connie.
Ill see you in a few months,and as always I have a email address so use it 
Best wishes
Isn't he so great? He is going to be a really strong member of the church. He was able to get the Priesthood on Sunday. I am so proud of how far he has come. He is really struggling with his family right now. They are super anti. He is only a 19 year old kid so at times he feels like he is all alone. Keep him in your prayers.
I think that is really all for this week. I love you all! I will let you know what my new mailing address is. I am so excited that Mickle is now in Norway!!!!!!!! Congrats girl!!!!!!! I love you all!!
Sister Frampton

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