Tuesday, November 27, 2012


Thanks for everyone's emails. I wish that I could reply back to
everyone but it would take all day and we only have a short while at
the library. So the reason I am emailing today is because yesterday we
had Zone Conference and that pushed our p-day back to today.

 Everything is going really good here. At conference yesterday
they told us about a website that the church has made for the month of
December to help get us missionaries in the doors of people. It's
www.mormon.org/chirstmas. Seriously check it out. It is so cool. You
can dowload free music and send e-cards. Will each of you tell people
about this website? Attatch the link to emails that you send, put in
on Facebook... I sound so much like a missionary. Gross! haha. Do all
that you can to get the word out on the website. You can say to people
"Do you like to download free music? Well if you go to this website
you can download free Christmas music." and then they will wander
around the site and get interested in the church and sign up for the
missionaries to come over and then they will get baptized! Perfect!
Also when we are at sites we spend a lot of time calling and
contacting people that are nonmembers and asking them if we can send
them the Church's Christmas DVD Joy to the World. Will each of you
send me names of nonmembers that you know so I can help bring them
closer to Christ? Don't forget to do that! Ok so here's what's been
going on this week:

Tuesday November 20
We had a district meeting most of the morning. I had to play the piano
for the hymns. Stress! After that we went to meet with these awesome
less actives that we've been meeting with. Besty Rodriguez and her two
sons- Manny and Anthony. Love them!! She is really interesting. She
sits and complains to us for like 30 mins about how crappy her life is
and how she needs direction in her life but tells us that she doesn't
need church. Um...hello! She's missing the connection or something.
She will not come to church or read the Book of Mormon. She wants to
take it "slow." Well then the Lord is going to bless you slow. Her
sons are also not really interested in coming back to church. I made a
deal with Anthony that if he reads the BofM for a week straight and
prays for a week straight and keeps a journal of any spiritual
feelings that he's had and he can honestly say that he hasn't felt
anything then we will leave him alone for a bit. So... pray for
Anthony because it's gonna be pretty awkward when he tells me that I
lost the deal. After the Rodriguez family we went over to this awesome
guy's house. The sister's in my area before me found him and we were
going to give him his first lesson. His name is Tommy. He is a 24 year
old CrossFit trainer. (sound familiar?) He also has a cute weiner
puppy named Dirks! Ahh he is so cute!! He isn't fat like Rubes. We
can't meet alone with a guy so we brought along a girl from the
Single's Ward. Tommy wants the gospel so bad. He wants to not feel
guilty anymore. He wants to "get out of the darkness." We tried to
teach him but he spent the whole time asking questions and talking.
The lesson went alright-not great though. The good points were 1. He
invited us to come back and 2. He has a desire to learn more. Oh also
HE HAS A CAR!!!!! That's the biggest problem here in Painesville.
People don't have cars so they don't come to church. We spent way too
long at Tommy's like an hour and a half. He just has so many
questions. After Tommy's the bishop and his family had us over for
dinner. He is really cool. He ran into a deer last week and is looking
for a car. I couldn't remember Dad if you had a store out here or if
it was in a neighboring state or if you had any connections out here
but I gave him your number for help finding a car. After dinner we
went to teach these awesome kids. My companion and her last companion
found them. All they did was give them the Bof M. When we called to
set up an appointment they have already been reading it and were
loving it. The kids are Cynthia-13, Marcos-14 and Maleik-14. They are
great. They want to learn from us. During the lesson Cynthia felt the
spirit and she couldn't even handle it. She kept saying "what is
happening to me?" She was loving it. Maleik said the closing prayer
and it was so cute and so perfect!!!!!!!!! We love them. They also
comminted to being baptized Dec. 29. Pray for them! We want them to
follow through on this. After their lesson the worst thing happened...
Our super solid investigator that has a baptismal date- Kathy called
us and told us that she doesn't want to meet with us anymore. We tried
to figure out what happened (maybe she got anti-ed) and why the sudden
change and she just kept saying "Ya I don't want this." It seriously
felt like someone was breaking up with me. It was so sad. We have been
trying to contact her all week but she wont answer her phone.
LAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Also remember Misha and Miracle that had a
baptism date? Yep they bailed as well. Oh well. Life as a missionary!

Wednesday November 21
Guess who strolled into the sites today? Erin Blackwell!!! Such a fun
little surprise. She still thought I was in the MTC and she actually
came to see Kylie. Too  bad for Kylie that she isn't at sites on
Wednesdays. I don't remember if I had told you this but each Christmas
sites puts on a huge nativity exhibit. There are like 600 nativity
scenes set up. It's so cool. (whenever I get the chance to send
pictures check out the nativities from Kenya. So cool! They have a
whole Masaii warrior nativity set. They have a building that is just
international sets.) The exhibit has drawn so many people. The sites
have been crazy with tours.

Thursday Novemember 22 a.k.a. Thanksgiving!
Weird, weird to not be at home for Thanksgiving. We were invited over
to the Mcintosh's to eat. It was really nice of them. They had both
parents and then a 30 year old daughter that still lives at home. They
had us write down things we were grateful for and we hung them up by
the window. It was really nice that they had us over. They have the
ugliest dog that kept trying to jump on my lap during dinner.  For the first time 

I felt a bit homesick. It wasweird. I was thinking about how we would all
 go to a movie after we ate and dad would get his popcorn and Austin 
would get 10 sprites.Fun!! After we ate they sent us home with sooo much food. Score!!!!
They had a huge party at sites for all of the site missionaries and
sr. couples. Me and my companion made constuction paper indian
headresses and the other girls we live with were going to be pilgrams
but they backed out. It was fun though to act like kindergarteners and
be indians. We played games and watched the Emma story. The sr.
couples are a lot of fun to hang out with!!!

Friday November 23
Basically everyone that we had appointments with bailed on us. Welcome
to the mission. We tracted A LOT this day. It was a blizzard. I had
all my gear on- puffy coat and boots included. We seriously looked
ridiculous! I looked like an eskimo. No one was interested. Two really
funny things happened while we were tracting 1. A lady opened the door
and then hurried and closed it. We didn't even say a word. It all
happened too fast. It was so funny for some reason. At least we tell
them that we are missionaries for the church before they deny us. and
2. We ask a guy how he is doing and he said " I was doing good until
you showed up on my porch" and then he slams the door. We seriously
couldn't stop laughing. Oh did I mention that Rico and his family
dropped us. Lame. After we turned into popsicles from tracting we met
with Cynthia, Marcos and Maleik. They are amazing. They were all
totally feeling the spirit and they were so excited about baptism.
They have a 20 year old sister who was listening in the kitchen. All
of the sudden she pulled up a chair and started answering questions.
Guess what? He baptismal date is now Dec. 29th. Score!!

I don't have much time left so I will just get to the good part of the week...

Sunday November 25
We met with Tommy again. Best lesson ever of my whole life!!!!!!!!!!!
We taught him about repentence and we read the story of Alma the
younger with him. He kept saying "I want to feel like that." At the
end of the lesson we asked him to pray. He has said the prayer with us
before but he got super weird this time. He wouldn't say it. It was
super awkward. Then I said "I'll pray first and then you'll pray." He
said the most amazing prayer. He opened his heart to the Lord. He even
started crying. He is this huge, buff guy and there he was kneeling on
his floor crying. He said "God please don't give up on me. Please
don't let the sisters give up on me." After he prayed we sat in
silence for what it seemed like 5 mins. He looked up with tears in his
eyes and said "I feel a warmth. God loves me." Yep his baptismal date
is now Jan. 5. Please please please fast and pray for Tommy this
Sunday. He would be a really solid member if he joined. We love Tommy!

Yesterday Monday November 26
At Zone Conference we made a goal that each week we will try to find
one really good solid investigator and that we should be praying for
that. So if you could please pray that we will find one solid person
to teach.

I'm sure there is lots more that I needed to say but I can't really
think of anything. Everything is really good here. I'm loving it!! Keep writing people!!!

Love you all and miss you all!!

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