Wednesday, December 5, 2012

3 blind mice

Hello hello outside world! Thank you to everyone that wrote me this
week. Thank you for your prayers. We didn't have too much
success this week. It was a bit annoying. Because sites is crazy with
people right now coming for the Nativity exhibit they cut down our
time in our areas. We only spent 10 hours this week in our area. That
means no tracting, no lessons with members and no new investigators.
We have more time in our area this week so that will be wonderful.

Tuesday November 27
This morning was horrible!!!!!!!!!!! We had just gotten home from
working out. It was about 7am. In our house we have a room off of the
kitchen. It's a really random room. It has a fridge, washer, dryer,
shower and bathroom counter, sink and mirror. I went into that room to
get milk out of the fridge. A sister that I live with was in the main
kitchen. She heard a really weird sound and kept saying "What was that
noise." A few nights ago she said that in their room it sounded like
mice were in the walls. They just tore down the house next to ours so
tons of mice have come out. Sister Tok and I like to goof with each
other. I walked into the kitchen and I was like "Tok it's a mouse,
it's a mouse." She then was like "Stop joking about that. I hate
mice." Then all of the sudden a huge mouse runs across the floor. We
both screamed so loud and jumped on the counter. It was horrible. I
was totally just joking with her that it was a mouse. Ahh!! Yuck!!!!
We didn't see where the mouse ended up. We screamed for our companions
to come help us. There was no sign of the mouse. There was no way that
Tok and I were comin off the counter. The mouse is in the bathroom
that I use to get ready. There was a small hole like thing in the wall
so we got the packing tape that mom had sent and taped up the hole.
Thanks for that tape mom. It came in real handy!! Tuesday was our
P-day. We had zone p-day and played games together. After P-day we
went to teach Cynthia, Maleik, Marcos and Fatima. We just love them.
Maleik is our favorite. He is a 13 year old black boy. He is so great.
He reads his Book of Mormon every night. He evem brought a friend
named Ronny to the lesson. Yep Ronny's baptismal date is Dec. 29!!!!
When we got home that night we were stressed that we would see the
mouse again. We decided to name the mouse Butch. By mission rules we
have to keep our house spotless. Our kitchen is really clean. We
decided to take all of our food out of our cupboards and put it in the
fridge until we can get bins that close. Tok was so scared of the
mouse. She was walking around the kitchen meowing like a cat to scare
the mouse. No joke. I was seriously on the floor laughing. Now any
time we enter the kitchen we have to meow to scare Butch away. Nice.

Wednesday November 28
We spent the whole day at sites. Nothing eventful happened at sites.
However, President called me and told me that another Sister Frampton
was coming to the mission. What the..? I guess it's time to do some
family history to see how Shelby Frampton and I are related. Can
someone get on that?

Thursday November 29
We also spent this whole day at sites. I was going through our area
book and looking at a list of people that missionaries had met in the
past. I came upon an 70 year old man named Richard. The missionaries
tracted into him, gave him a Book of Mormon and then never followed up
with him. That was back in 2009. I called him and asked him if we
could come over on Friday. He said that he would be busy working in
his yard. I then said "Can we come help you?" Yep gonna go do some

Friday November 30
We had a meeting at sites for 2 hours and then we had to plan for our
week. It takes us 3 hours to do that. By the time we got out to our
area it was about 2:00. We stoped at Richard's house. We helped rip
out these nasty tomato plants that he had molding in his front yard.
He has a lot of work to do on his yard. There is junk all over it. I
learned that Richard has 40 cats. Yep that's right. 40 cats. 2 dogs-
one bites people, 2 possums and 1 dove that he rescued from the
"wild." Pretty sure when he said "wild" he was referring to his from
yard. He agreed to let us come back next Thursday and teach him.
Hopefully I get to meet all 40 cats. Mom: I got my rabies shot right?
Haha After Richard's house we went to the Pinas house (Cynthia,
Marcos, Fatima, Maleik and now Ronny). We taught them the Plan of
Salvation. They loved it! After the lesson we started talking about
their baptismal dates. Cynthia then said "Wait so I wont be Catholic
anymore???" Oh geez. Duh Cynthia!! Precious little 13 year old. Then
the other kids started freaking out. I'm confused as to why this was
new information to them. We spent another hour talking with them so we
will see what happens next lesson.

Saturday December 1
The Community of Christ had a pancake breakfast for the town. It was
fun to go to that. We were at sites all day. We gave 2 tours. I'm now
able to give a full tour all by myself! yay!!!! After lunch we got a
text from Ronny. It said "My mom said I'm Catholic." We can't meet
with Ronny anymore until we have permission from his mom. Stupid!!!!!!
The facilities manager came and put mouse traps all around our house.
Good bye Butch!! When we got home from sites I had to pee so bad. I
threw my things on the floor and ran to the bathroom. When I got to
the bathroom I had come literall 1 centimeter away from stepping on a
dead mouse that was stuck in a mouse trap. I started screaming and ran
out of the bathroom. I kept saying "There is a mouse!!! There is a
mouse!!" It was very tramatizing. Hopefully Butch was the only mouse
at our house.

Sunday December 2
We haven't been able to get a hold of Tommy this week. We had the most
spiritual experience with him last week and now he wont call us or
text us back. He promised he would come to church today as well as the
Pina kids and their 2 friends. However, no one came to church.
Painesville is the slowest baptizing area in the mission. In the past
year they have only had 1 baptism and he is now less active. Any tips
from returned missionaries on how to find good, solid investigators?
After church we were at sites again. We were able to watch the First
Presidency Christmas message. Wasn't it way good?

Monday December 3
Only 20 more days until my BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Today we went
shopping with another companionship and a sr. couple. It was a lot of
fun. We went to this AMAZING store called Charming Charlies. Seriously
Google it. It puts Forever 21 to shame. The store is sections off by
color. In each color section there are scarves, gloves, jewlery, bags,
clothes, hats.. everything!! It was so fun. We spent a good 2 hours
there. Thanks for the money!!!! I bought some cute tops and some warm

I love you all and miss you like crazy! I wish that I Austin would
send me something. Come on dude!! Have a good week everyone!!

Lacee Rae

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