Friday, January 18, 2013

A week of miracles

Hello everyone that I love. It sounds like Dallin's gym opening went really well. Congrats everyone. Wow Dall! Big business man! Ya I got my meds. Crazy mix up but I finally got it all taken care of. This week was really good. We didn't tract as much as we did last week. We need people to teach!!! We were really able to see the Lord's hand in work this week. 

Monday January 7th
After P-day we had a lesson scheduled with Thomas at the library. We tried calling his phone to make sure he was still going to come but it said that his phone was disconnected. Something really weird about Ohio is that everyone has these phones called Obama phones. I have no idea what requires them to qualify for an Obama phone but everyone has one. It basically is a cell phone that has a preset amount of minutes and then when the minutes run out then you're on your own. That's the problem we see with a lot of people. They run out of their Obama minutes. Thomas didn't show up to the library so we went to his house. When he came to the door he was super confused. He had no idea that we were meeting. Weird because we clearly told him on Sunday that we were meeting. I felt really weird about it. He also told us that he is on probation and doesn't know when he will be off. Also he told us about his love for smoking pot. He also said that he is planning on moving to a state that has laws that aren't strict on marijuana. Nice! Pretty classy Thomas. We CLEARLY scheduled with him to meet Thursday at the library.

Tuesday January 8th
We were at Sites all day. No tours. We spent a lot of time calling people and emailing. We had 2 different people come onto chat. First Eric came on. He is taking a religion class in Alabama. Last week they had different religions come in and talk to the class. 2 elders came in and handed out Book of Mormons. Eric was really interested in learning more. We talked to him about our church and we scheduled to teach him the restoration over the phone on Wednesday. Cory was the 2nd person we chatted with. He used to be a Mormon but struggles with some doctrine. We also scheduled to teach him over the phone on Wednesday.

Wednesday January 9th
We were at Sites again. We had a really good phone lesson with Eric. We taught him the restoration and we committed him to going to church on Sunday. He said he would and he was excited to go. We scheduled to teach him again on Sunday when we were at Sites. We also talked with Cory. It went pretty good. I think he is just wanting to argue but we have to give him a chance.

Thursday January 10th
First thing this morning we had interviews with President. He is a funny man. Mine literally lasted 5 mins long. He looked at my planner and was impressed with all of the plans that we have set. He randomly picked a name that was in my planner and asked me to tell him as much as I knew about them. I was able to so I guess I passed. After that we tracted for a  bit. We didn't really find anyone that was interested. We stopped by some less actives to check up on them. We had a dinner appointment!!! We rarely get fed by the members. It was nice. We had an appointment scheduled with Thomas. Since he doesn't have a phone it is really hard for us to confirm appointments with him. We decided to go stake out at his house and watch and see if he gets in the car and goes to the library. It was actually really funny. We parked down the street and turned out lights off. It was a legit stake out... possibly boarder line stalking (?). He was outside piling wood or something. We waited until 10 mins after he was supose to be at the library and we drove off and then came back down and parked in front of his house. We knocked on the door and he said "Oh ya I thought I saw you guys down the street watching me." YIKES!!! Not good!!!! We were like uh...uh... no. He again was confused that we were meeting that night. He is really sketchy. Dang we thought he was so ready!!!!!!! We've decided that if he wants this he can come to us. We aren't here to beg people to listen to us. We are looking for people that are responsible and that will help build up the ward and be an asset to the people in the ward. 

Friday January 11
My companion has been having really weird stomach pains for the past week. We have no idea what is going on . She's been talking to President's wife and we think that it is time for her to probs go to the doctor. She spent most of the morning sleeping while I went though old teaching records and calling people to see if they were interested again in taking the lessons. I found a half filled out baptismal record. Weird!!! His teaching record was two full pages. I read that in between his baptism on Wednesday and his confirmation on Sunday he broke the law of chastity. After that he basically just dropped off the face of the earth. I had a good long conversation with him over the phone and he agreed to meet with us later that day. After my companion woke up I told her about Cameron and we went to his house. He came outside and we immediately felt the devil. He was telling us how he sold his soul to Satan and all of this weird stuff. We just turned around and walked off. See ya later Cameron. We've been staying in contact with Tommy still. He went to church last Sunday and he told us that all week he was reading the Book of Mormon and praying. We decided to call him when we got home. When he answered the phone he was screaming and swearing. He told us that he just got finished at CrossFit and he had thrown his back out. He said that he was laying on the floor face down. We decided to just say a prayer with him and we would call back in the morning. I said the prayer. I asked for his back to please be healed so that he could keep working this week. At the end Sister Hansen and I said Amen but he didn't. We were like uh.. Tommy, you are supose to say Amen. He said I am in shock! I am in shock. He said that during the prayer he felt a warm tingling in his body and felt all of his pain taken away. He said that he was jumping to see if his back still hurt and he said the pain was 100% gone! How cool is that? My prayer healed someone. I told him that because he was reading every day and because he was praying that Heavenly Father blessed him. We asked him if he would pray about a baptismal date. He committed to doing that. So cool!! 

Saturday January 12
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM! YOU SHOULD HAVE GOTTEN SOMETHING IN THE MAIL FROM ME. IF NOT THEN IT IS COMING! We spent some of the morning putting a package together for Tommy. We wrote down tons of scriptures that would help him. We wrote our testimonies and put those in. I included Hilary's husband's conversation story. To be funny we put in these coloring pages of Joseph Smith. We also put together a Book of Mormon studying kit. We wrapped it up and put a huge bow on it. We have a really good relationship with Tommy. When we gave it to him he started to get teary eyed. He hasn't ever had anyone show that they care about him before. It was so awesome. We had a really good lesson with him. He loves reading the Book of Mormon. He knows that he is getting blessed because he is doing it. We asked him if he prayed about a baptismal date and he said he hadn't. He said he was scared of getting an answer. Come on Tommy! We recommitted him to praying about a baptismal date. He told us that he couldn't come to church because he was working.

Sunday January 13
We watched the CES devotional at sites. We invited Tommy to come and he did!!!!!!! If you didn't see the devotional then I ask you to read it right now. I swear it was tailored just for Tommy. President Uchtdorf talked about casting out our doubts and turning to the Lord. That was exactly what Tommy needed to hear. Lately as a missionary I have been really bold with people. People need to hear it straight up. After the devotional we sat out on the couches with Tommy. I asked him "So did you pray about a baptismal date?" He said that he did. He said that he was confused because he didn't get a specific date but he got the number 16 in his head. We opened our planners and February 16th is the day that we had been hoping Tommy would get baptized. We told him that and he was so happy. He was beaming. I asked him if he would prepare himself to be baptized February 16th. He said yes and the spirit was so strong. He kept saying I get it now!! A really cool senior couple came and sat by us (the ones you met over skype. The prison warden). We told Tommy to tell them his good news and he said " I am getting baptized February 16th." He was stoked!! He really is gonna do it now. He finally gets it. Please keep praying for Tommy that his desire to be baptized won't go away!

My week was really good this week. I love you all so much. I guess since I'm a missionary I can hop up on my box and get mad at everyone that doesn't read the Book of Mormon every single day. Here is a really good quote that I heard last week in church: 
 “I feel certain that if, in our homes, parents will read from the Book of Mormon prayerfully and regularly, both by themselves and with their children, the spirit of that great book will come to permeate our homes and all who dwell therein. The spirit of reverence will increase; mutual respect and consideration for each other will grow. The spirit of contention will depart. … Faith, hope, and charity—the pure love of Christ—will abound in our homes and lives, bringing in their wake peace, joy, and happiness. Marion G. Romney 
Since a few people that get my letters aren't parents you can tailor it to your life. If you want to be happy READ THE BOOK OF MORMON. If you want peace in your life READ THE BOOK OF MORMON. How simple is that? Just 5  mins. a day.

I love you all and miss you so much!
Lacee Rae

Monday, January 7, 2013

Week 13

Hello everyone. It sounds like everything is going so good back at home. It sounds like Dallin's gym is going to be awesome. Congrats Dall! Thanks for the WODs Dall. All the sisters tried one of them one morning and we were laying dead on the gym floor. You would have been laughing at us (or probably yelling at us to keep going). So this week Dad gets the golden star. He answered all the questions I asked him to answer so thanks Pops. I don't have a lot of time this week to write because we decided to take a nap earlier today.

This week we tracted 8 hours. The record for Kirtland Visitor Center sisters is 10 hours. We will probably get that this week because no one will meet with us or they end up not being there when we go for an appointment. Tracting is seriously so funny. We have been knocking on the doors really hard and fast so that people will come to the door quite and think it is something "urgent." Duh we do have an urgent message to share with them. The funniest thing happened. A lady opened the door and we asked her how she was doing and she said good. Then we started our  little schpeel and she started closing her door saying "what? I can't hear you." I laughed for a good 10 mins. I was freezing this week!!!!!!! I was so cold that my face started to freeze and I couldn't talk once we knocked on the door. Nothing seems to help. I wore 3 pairs of socks this week and toe warmers and hand warmers in my gloves and 3 sweaters but it is so cold here. (p.s. thanks for the box dad.)

We are still meeting with Thomas. This week he told us that he had a dream. In that dream he saw a man hiding a gold book in the side of the mountain. Next to the man he saw 3 indians. We hadn't given Thomas a Book of Mormon so there is no way he could have known about Moroni or the 3 Nephites. We literally sat there with our mouths wide open. It was crazy. God answered his prayer and because of that dream Thomas knows that 100% he needs to join this church. How cool is that? Keep praying for him. He keeps making comments that makes us think he's on probation. You can't get baptized if you're on probation so please please pray that he isn't. I will cry if he is. 

We decided to stop by Tommy's house one last time. He has been ignoring us all week.We decided we were going to stop by and have a DTR with him. Basically it was going to be a "take it or leave it" conversation. He's been meeting with missionaries for a year now. It's so funny- he knows the routine that we can't be in his house alone with him so whenever we show up he grabs his coat and comes out to the porch. He told us that he feels great when he is with us and then after we leave he feels like Satan is strangling him. He said that he feels so alone. I felt so bad for him that I started crying on his front porch. It was really weird. I am not a crier. He could tell how badly I wanted him to have the peace that the church can offer. A little light went off in him and he started to see that he needs to get his butt in gear. He ended up coming to church on Sunday and it was a really good experience for him. We are meeting with him this week so hopefully It goes somewhere this week. We are going to commit him to baptism but have him pray to know what date he should go through with it. I really want him to get baptized.

We aren't teaching anyone else at the moment. Also the historic sites are DEAD!!!!!!!! No one comes for tours. The nativity exhibit is over. The Kirtland temple is closed so people assume we are closed as well. This is what every single person that is reading this needs to do. NO ACCEPTIONS!!!! Send me the name and phone number of someone who is less active or a nonmember. We spend all day calling those types of people. You will receive blessings if you give me referrals to call. I wont tell them that you gave me their name. It will be anonymous. Promise!

I love you all so much. This week pray for Thomas and Tommy!!!! Thanks for all of your letters this week. Enjoy the pictures. The one picture is of me at Lake Erie.

xoxo, Sister Frampton

Ring in the New Year

Hello Hello! Well this week's email will be a little bit different because I wasn't able to email last week because I was able to SEE everyone! So I'm sorry that all the details from last week will go untold but hopefully this week will make up for it. In everyone's next email they need to answer these questions for me 1. What did people get for Christmas? 2. How was Christmas Eve? Did the kids watch Santa Claus? Where did people sleep? Did the kids get my letter about Christmas Eve? 3. Dall I need wedding deets- What temple? Reception? What is the date again? 4. When is everyone going to Hawaii? My house mate Sister Tok is from Maui and she hula's at the Grand Wialeia. She wants to meet you if she gets home in time. She goes home Jan 30.

This week we "broke up" with Cynthia, Marcos, Luis and Maleik. They weren't keeping their appointments with us and they were wasting our time. We went over to their house and we had "the break up" talk. We basically said "call us when you're ready." We also "broke up" with Rico and Christine. They were being really flaky as well. We have stopped contact with Tommy. He has been ignoring us lately. Rude people!!!!!

This week it snowed so much!!! Look at how deep the snow is in the picture I attached. It is crazy! The cold here is so different then in Utah. It seriously gets you to the bone. Burrrr! Last week we had a snow day. It was a white out blizzard. I had never seen one before but it is so cool. We weren't allowed to leave our apartments so we sat and called people that had been taught years ago to see if they were interested in us coming back and teaching them. Our new service idea has been to shovel people's walks. WORST IDEA EVER!!! People here in Ohio don't shovel walks. They think well it's just going to keep snowing so what's the point. We started on one person's drive way and we found out that there is about a foot of solid ice underneath the powder. The family already saw us start shoveling so we couldn't just bail. You should have seen us banging out plastic shovels on the ice to try and crack it. I got so sweaty. I ended up taking all of my snow clothes off. I got an idea rummaged around on the family's porch and found a hammer. I can just imagine how funny I must have looked: hammering away at a drive way while I'm wearing a skirt and huge snow boots. After an hour we finally got most of the ice chipped away and clear. We looked back at the drive way and it was already completely covered with snow. I woke up the next day and my back and arms hurt SO bad from hacking away at the ice. 

We tracted a little this week. We found the most prepared guy named Thomas. He is a 27 year old, Harley dude. We knocked on his door and he said that tons of people come and knock on his door and he would never listen to them but he felt like we were people that he needed to listen to. He told us that the night before he was praying and asking for direction in his life. He took it as a "sign" that we showed up. We taught him all about the Restoration on Saturday. He loved it and totally understood it. He even prayed at the end of the lesson. He told us that he wanted to come to church. He said that he didn't really have any church clothes and he asked us if sometime we could go shopping with him to buy some. He is already willing to spend time and money on church clothes! He is so prepared! He came to church yesterday and HE BROUGHT A FRIEND! WHAT UP HE IS ALREADY AN MISSIONARY! I was so stressed. I was crossing my fingers that the talks wouldn't be anything weird. All of the talks were perfect for him and he was eating it up. After Sacrament Meeting he walked right up to the speakers and shook their hands and told them that he loved their talks. The elders were subbing for Sunday school so it was perfect. We have a little class that new members and investigators can go to. The elders basically just taught to our investigator and his friend. Thomas leaned over to me and he said and I quote "All of the questions that I've had are all getting answered." JACKPOT!!!! Then for the 3rd hour we had combined R.S. and Priesthood because it was the 5th Sunday. Bishop talked about goals and really motivated us to become better people. Then at the end Bishop challenged the whole ward to read the Book of Mormon this year. He talked about all the blessings the Book can bring us. Then Bishop asked who wants those blessings in their life? Thomas threw up both hands and was stoked! He leaned over and said "Where can I buy this book?" We gave him a copy and he was in Heaven. We are meeting with him again tonight. During our first lesson with him we committed him to being baptized Feb 23.Yesterday he asked if he could get baptized sooner! He is a champ. This is my first person that I have found, taught and baptized. It's exciting. PRAY FOR THOMAS. PRAY SPECIFICALLY THAT HE WILL KEEP HAVING THE DESIRE TO BE BAPTIZED. 

That is basically all that went on this week. It was a weird week with it being Christmas and then having a snow day. Mom- will you make sure to tell Grandma Schaar that I say thanks for the money and card. Also tell Kathy thanks for the story and the decoration and Linda thanks for the present. That was so nice of everyone to think of me. It is weird to hear that Grandma's house might get sold. So sad! I love that house. Oh well. I guess it's time. What else is going on at home? I hope everyone is doing well. I love you all and miss you so much. Don't forget that I also like to get letters in the mail. It's fun to get those!! 

Sister Frampton