Monday, January 7, 2013

Ring in the New Year

Hello Hello! Well this week's email will be a little bit different because I wasn't able to email last week because I was able to SEE everyone! So I'm sorry that all the details from last week will go untold but hopefully this week will make up for it. In everyone's next email they need to answer these questions for me 1. What did people get for Christmas? 2. How was Christmas Eve? Did the kids watch Santa Claus? Where did people sleep? Did the kids get my letter about Christmas Eve? 3. Dall I need wedding deets- What temple? Reception? What is the date again? 4. When is everyone going to Hawaii? My house mate Sister Tok is from Maui and she hula's at the Grand Wialeia. She wants to meet you if she gets home in time. She goes home Jan 30.

This week we "broke up" with Cynthia, Marcos, Luis and Maleik. They weren't keeping their appointments with us and they were wasting our time. We went over to their house and we had "the break up" talk. We basically said "call us when you're ready." We also "broke up" with Rico and Christine. They were being really flaky as well. We have stopped contact with Tommy. He has been ignoring us lately. Rude people!!!!!

This week it snowed so much!!! Look at how deep the snow is in the picture I attached. It is crazy! The cold here is so different then in Utah. It seriously gets you to the bone. Burrrr! Last week we had a snow day. It was a white out blizzard. I had never seen one before but it is so cool. We weren't allowed to leave our apartments so we sat and called people that had been taught years ago to see if they were interested in us coming back and teaching them. Our new service idea has been to shovel people's walks. WORST IDEA EVER!!! People here in Ohio don't shovel walks. They think well it's just going to keep snowing so what's the point. We started on one person's drive way and we found out that there is about a foot of solid ice underneath the powder. The family already saw us start shoveling so we couldn't just bail. You should have seen us banging out plastic shovels on the ice to try and crack it. I got so sweaty. I ended up taking all of my snow clothes off. I got an idea rummaged around on the family's porch and found a hammer. I can just imagine how funny I must have looked: hammering away at a drive way while I'm wearing a skirt and huge snow boots. After an hour we finally got most of the ice chipped away and clear. We looked back at the drive way and it was already completely covered with snow. I woke up the next day and my back and arms hurt SO bad from hacking away at the ice. 

We tracted a little this week. We found the most prepared guy named Thomas. He is a 27 year old, Harley dude. We knocked on his door and he said that tons of people come and knock on his door and he would never listen to them but he felt like we were people that he needed to listen to. He told us that the night before he was praying and asking for direction in his life. He took it as a "sign" that we showed up. We taught him all about the Restoration on Saturday. He loved it and totally understood it. He even prayed at the end of the lesson. He told us that he wanted to come to church. He said that he didn't really have any church clothes and he asked us if sometime we could go shopping with him to buy some. He is already willing to spend time and money on church clothes! He is so prepared! He came to church yesterday and HE BROUGHT A FRIEND! WHAT UP HE IS ALREADY AN MISSIONARY! I was so stressed. I was crossing my fingers that the talks wouldn't be anything weird. All of the talks were perfect for him and he was eating it up. After Sacrament Meeting he walked right up to the speakers and shook their hands and told them that he loved their talks. The elders were subbing for Sunday school so it was perfect. We have a little class that new members and investigators can go to. The elders basically just taught to our investigator and his friend. Thomas leaned over to me and he said and I quote "All of the questions that I've had are all getting answered." JACKPOT!!!! Then for the 3rd hour we had combined R.S. and Priesthood because it was the 5th Sunday. Bishop talked about goals and really motivated us to become better people. Then at the end Bishop challenged the whole ward to read the Book of Mormon this year. He talked about all the blessings the Book can bring us. Then Bishop asked who wants those blessings in their life? Thomas threw up both hands and was stoked! He leaned over and said "Where can I buy this book?" We gave him a copy and he was in Heaven. We are meeting with him again tonight. During our first lesson with him we committed him to being baptized Feb 23.Yesterday he asked if he could get baptized sooner! He is a champ. This is my first person that I have found, taught and baptized. It's exciting. PRAY FOR THOMAS. PRAY SPECIFICALLY THAT HE WILL KEEP HAVING THE DESIRE TO BE BAPTIZED. 

That is basically all that went on this week. It was a weird week with it being Christmas and then having a snow day. Mom- will you make sure to tell Grandma Schaar that I say thanks for the money and card. Also tell Kathy thanks for the story and the decoration and Linda thanks for the present. That was so nice of everyone to think of me. It is weird to hear that Grandma's house might get sold. So sad! I love that house. Oh well. I guess it's time. What else is going on at home? I hope everyone is doing well. I love you all and miss you so much. Don't forget that I also like to get letters in the mail. It's fun to get those!! 

Sister Frampton

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