Monday, February 4, 2013

Transfer #3

Hello Family! I am so happy that I heard from EVERYONE this week! Tell Austin that I got his letter and his picture. Thanks so much dude! This week has been really great. Change is good. I've taken on a lot of responsibility this week. Sister Hansen got transferred to Kirtland and Sister Bell is my new companion. I love her so much. I knew her from working at Sites. She is from Utah as well. Her and I get along really well and she is a hard worker. Since she is new to Painesville I was the one that took over. I am now the driver of the car (kinda scary when there is huge sheets of ice covering the roads). It is up to me to decide who we are going to stop by and who we are going to schedule with (since she doesn't know anyone). Also with Sister Hansen she has a GPS that got us around. I don't have one so I have been relying on my memory to get us around Painesville. Painesville is 30 minutes away from Kirtland. I've been way impressed with myself that I have been able to get us to and from Painesville without getting lost. This is going to be a really good transfer. It is so weird that I have been out 4 months. 

On Monday after our P day ended we went around Painesville saying bye to people in the ward (because Sister Hansen was getting transferred). The members seem glad that I am staying in the ward.

On Tuesday we were at Sites. We spent the day emailing and calling people. No tours came in.

Wednesday was transfer day. I was so nervous to see who my new companion was. I know all of the Site sisters and they are great but it is scary to see who will come to you. I was worried about who would be best for Tommy since he can be a stinker sometimes. We went to transfer meeting and they go over all of the missionaries that are going home. Sister Tok was going home. I cried the whole meeting because I love her!!! PS she will be contacting you when you go to Hawaii so she can meet you all. Her phone number is: 808-276-1840. She knows all of the secrets of the Island so maybe she could take you all on a cool hike or something. I was happy when I was announced that I was taking over the area and Sister Bell was my new comppy. She is great!!!!!!!!!! We were at Sites on Wednesday so we took some time for me to explain the area to her and who is who in the ward.

Thursday was our first day in the area together. It was great. We did some stop bys so she could get to know the people. We ate at this authentic Mexican restaurant. Everyone is Mexican in Painesville. We have actually been asked to start learning Spanish. I can hold a small convo with someone I meet on the street and I can pray in Spanish. It's been fun to learn. Last week we met a rapper named Nino. We taught him at the library. He seems pretty cool. He is studying to be a J dubbb but we are showing him the truth. He is 21 with a 3 year old son that lives in Cali with the mom.

On Friday we spent most of the day helping a member named Rosa move. 

On Saturday we spent a good part of the day stopping by potential investigators. We had to run to the library to print off some things and we came across a kid named Theo. We took him up to a study room and taught him the first lesson. He is kinda crazy. I think he is 20. He didn't really understand what we were saying but he committed to come to church. We went out to eat with Tommy yesterday just to further build that relationship with him. It was a lot of fun to get to know him better so that we would know how to teach him better. We also had a lesson with Tommy and taught him more about baptism and about the Holy Ghost.

Yesterday we had Tommy and Theo come to church. So Tommy is doing amazing. He got up yesterday during Sacrament Meeting and bore his testimony. It was like a 10 minute testimony. It was sooo good!!!!!! He said that he has never felt this way before in any other church and that he knows that this is the true church and that the Book of Mormon is true and he announced that his baptismal date is March 16th. His testimony seriously made my mission. I am so proud of him. 

Everything is going great here! Thanks for all the support. I love you all so much.


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