Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Hello friends and family! Thank you so much for the emails this week. If you didn't email me this week that's ok because you have another chance to email me next weekLacee.Frampton@myldsmail.net. :)

This week was really great. First off we had a baptism. Refer to my email entitled The Story of Chris Mikucki. Chris is amazing. He bore a really strong testimony at his baptism. He said that once he started living the word of wisdom he was able to get clear answers as to whether he should be baptized or not. It was really cool. Yesterday he came to the visitors' center and we were able to find 12 of his ancestors and in a few weeks he is going to go to the temple and do baptisms for them. He is so excited about it. Stephanie (the girl I baptized last month) is doing great. She is living in China doing a study abroad. She is attending a branch and loves it. She said that she is really excited because she signed up to do visiting teaching. Amazing!!! 

We are still teaching Connee, Cory and Chuck. Cory and Chuck are not progressing so we decided to have separate lessons with them. The lessons weren't amazing but they weren't bad. Connee however is on fire. Randomly a few nights ago she called us and started bearing her testimony of Joseph Smith. WHAT??? She said that she knows as sure as she knows that Moses and Noah are prophets that Joseph Smith is a prophet. We were shocked. We had a lesson with her and we were reading from Our Search For Happiness (the best book ever) about the apostasy and the restoration and in the middle of it she yelled out "AHHH I get it it!!" This makes so much sense. It was so cool. Her son Cory was trying to argue Joseph Smith with us and she said "Cory you really need to read The teachings from the prophet Joseph Smith and you will understand Joseph Smith." It was amazing. Then in Sunday School the teacher asked if someone could stand up and explain the Restoration and she raised her hand and explained it perfectly. We were proud mamas! For some reason she still will not commit to baptism. It is annoying but it will happen in due time. She is such a great lady.

We aren't teaching anyone new. Finding people has been really hard lately. Hopefully it picks up this week. 

Thanks for everything that you all do. I love you all so much and miss you all like crazy! I only have 6 more months left until I will be home.

Sister Frampton

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