Wednesday, September 4, 2013

The story of Chris Mikucki Date: September 3, 2013 9:50:48 AM MDT

Thank you for all of the pictures and emails I got this week. Thanks Austin for the video. I am so excited to see your face at Christmas. Dall and Car- At least your being consistent in not emailing me back. As a missionary I really appreciate consistency so thanks you two.
September 14th we will be baptizing a 19 year old kid named Chris. Ok so about 2 months ago when I was serving in South Euclid my district fasted for someone to find a future bishop. That Sunday Chris walked into church. Chris was getting taught by the Elders in the ward and he was progressing fast. I even got the chance to give him a tour of Kirtland. I got transferred and didn't really hear anything else about Chris. Last month Chris randomly showed up at Stephanie's baptism. I was able to talk with him for a few minutes and I found out that he was no longer meeting with the Elders because he really didn't like them. He said that he had read the whole Book of Mormon and he didn't really understand it so he was re reading it again. He also said that he likes to come up to Kirtland and read the Book of Mormon.  Perfect! I work at Kirtland so why not have a Book of Mormon study together? He came up to Kirtland about 3 weeks ago and we had a really good Book of Mormon study. We asked him what he would do if he knew the Book of Mormon was true. He said that he really wants to live the Word of Wisdom. He said that he hasn't been taught about it but he remembers us talking about it on tour in the School of the Prophets. We took him up to the School of the Prophets and he went in there alone and said a prayer to help him start living the Word of Wisdom. When he a came out he was a little teary and said he had a really great experience in there. At this point he was having a really hard time figuring out if the Book of Mormon was true. Chris is a die hard Catholic. He really likes both religions and feels like he is having an internal battle with making a choice. He is out here for school so his parents have no idea he is thinking about getting baptized. I told him that if he lived the Word of Wisdom that Heavenly Father would answer if this is the true church. The day after he came to Kirtland we went to lunch with Stephanie. We invited Chris to come and Stephanie spent the whole time teaching him and telling him about her experience coming to know that this was the true church. It really helped Chris and I was so proud of my little Stephanie! Chris decided to start meeting with the senior couple that is over the singles' branch. Chris called us last week and told us that he received his answer and that he is going to get baptized. He said that he loves the Word of Wisdom. He also asked how long does he have to wait until he can go on a mission. Every night when he is reading the Book of Mormon he texts us favorite scriptures that he has come across. Chris came to the Visitors' Center yesterday and we studied the Book of Mormon. Then we showed him this really cool video about the temple and family history. He loved it. He has had two grandparents pass away and he loves the idea of getting baptized for them. We took him upstairs to the family history room and got him all set up on and he loved it!!!! He told everyone that he met that he was getting baptized. He is so excited about it. He really is going to be a bishop one day. Ever since he was little he wanted to become a Catholic Priest or a leader of a church. How appropriate. There really are prepared people just waiting for the Gospel. I am glad that I have been able to be a part of Chris's conversion story. Lately I have been eating a lot of pickles because they are so good and yesterday he brought us a huge jar of pickles as a thank you present. haha

It is getting really cold here. I am so nervous for winter. I don't know why. Probably just because it is coming so early this year. Yikes.
Ok so Elder Ballard is coming in October. It will be the 10th year anniversary of the Visitors' Center. The sisters got an invite to a VIP party with Elder Ballard. The Visitors' Center director told us to look our best because Elder Ballard will be bringing "other" guests. He said that he doesn't want to tell us who because he wants it to be a surprise for us. Is the Prophet coming?????? When Kirtland was dedicated 10 years ago President Hinckley was here so it only makes sense that the Prophet comes. Good think you sent me some really cute blazers mom. I am going to need them for this party.

Sister Neslen goes home in 4 weeks. I am really going to miss her. She is hilarious.
I love you all and thanks for everything!

Sister Frampton #1

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