Thursday, August 29, 2013

Hello family. 

Crazy that Mccall is on a mission. So fun that Sailor is there to keep Austin some what busy. Thanks for all of the emails this week. This week was transfers. Sister Palmer went home. It was so sad. I loved her so much. My new companion is Sister Esplin. This week we were able to teach Connee, Cory and Chuck and Carmella.  Connee is really close to baptism. She will probably get baptized next month. On Saturday Stephanie took us out to lunch. There is a kid named Chris that I taught when I was in Euclid. He has been going to the singles branch so Stephanie knows him. He came to lunch with us also. He wants to get baptized but he is having trouble with the Book of Mormon and with Joseph Smith. Stephanie spent the whole lunch time teaching him and helping him overcome his problems. I basically spent the whole time with my mouth wide open. Stephanie is amazing. Today she left for China. She will be spending 9 months there. She is going to be awesome. She asked me for a whole stack of cards so she could hand them out to people that she meets. Stephanie and a bunch of the kids from the singles branch came out to Kirtland and we gave them a tour and it was so much fun. Our ward mission leader out here is amazing!!! He is 32 and a dermatologist. He was a bishop in Florida so he really knows how to get the work done. He has been working with the Francis family (Connee, Cory and Chuck). The Elders that are in my ward had a baptism this week. So far this month our district has had 3 baptisms. That's the most a district has had this month. Yippeee!!!! So all of the leaves on the trees are bright red and falling off. All of the locals have been freaking out because that means that it is going to be a horrible winter. It is already fall out here and it's still August. YIKES!!! There are only 7 out of the 30 site sisters that are here that have experienced a winter here. None of them have coats or boots. Our ward is getting really nervous for the winter so on Saturday they had a cooking with out power and how to stay warm class. It was actually really cool. Did you know that you can line a cardboard box with tin foil and then put charcoal in it and it becomes an oven? That was pretty cool. I am so glad that I am already ready for the winter. Also dad a few weeks ago I took one of your cousins on tour. I forgot her name sorry. She said that her maiden name is Doxey. She said that she would Facebook you and tell you that she saw me. Also we were at Zone conference and this lady walked up to me and said "You look exactly like Shelley Frampton." What the heck??? Her name is Becky Busath. She lived in San Antonio with us. Now she lives in Ohio. Crazy! I've seen lots of miracles this week! I love being a missionary so much. Thanks for all of your prayers. My bites on my leg are still there and finally this week the infection has gone down. Yippee. Have a good first week of 8th grade Austin. I love you Mccall! The MTC is the best place ever!!!!

Sister Frampton

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