Thursday, August 15, 2013

Have you hugged your banjo today?

Hey favorite family! Thanks for all of the emails and pictures! I am so sad that I wasn't able to be there yesterday but it sounds like and it looked like it went really well. Congrats Pickle! So I spent all of my computer time listening to McCall's talk so I only have about 5 mins left to email. I saw tons of miracles this week!!!! On Wednesday we had zone conference. President said that we have 275 missionaries in the mission and only 80 of them have been out 6 months of longer. Whoa!!! On Saturday I hit my 10 month mark. So crazy!! It really doesn't seem that I have been out this long. Stephanie is still getting baptized on Saturday. We taught her the word of wisdom. It literally took 10 mins because she agreed with everything and had no problem! She passed her baptismal interview with flying colors. We just love her! SAturday at 4:30 folks! We taught a new girl that signed up for a free bible. She is so cute. We have been teaching Corey and Connie still. Connie said that she is as close as she has ever been to baptism. That is huge because when we first met her she was so argumentative with us. We wanted Corey and Connie to be able to tour the church before they came to church so we arranged a huge church tour for them on Saturday. All the ward missionaries were there plus 6 families from the ward. It was a huge success!!!!!!! They loved being able to meet people and see what church was like. We are still teaching Carmella. She is ready to be baptized but wont until her husband is on board (fair enough). We had 5 investigators come to church on Sunday! AHHHH!!!!!!!!! I cannot believe that. We had Stephanie, Connie, Corey, Carmella and her 23 year old daughter Sophia. It was such a great Sunday. Heavenly Father is working huge miracles right now. My companion goes home next week. 7 new missionaries are coming out so most likely I will train (eeekkkk)! I love you all and miss you all a lot. Good luck Mickle!

Sister Frampton

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