Thursday, August 15, 2013

Half Way!

Hey ya'll!
Guess what folks? July 10th marked my 9 month mark! Half way!!!! eeekkk... I cannot believe that I have been gone for 9 months. No way! Not real. It's all downhill from here! 

So Friday was transfers. Sister Poppleton was going home which was kinda hard. She got into this really kinda weird panic mode, like she has to do every single thing before she goes home. Which is understandable but it was hard. When we were at Sites we would take every tour, sometimes 7 a day. And we would tract for 5 hours some days. I learned how to work really hard. It's hard sending a missionary home. If you remember, last week I told you that 2 new missionaries would be taking over my last area, Euclid South. They ended up putting 2 full pros sisters (meaning they don't work at the Visitors' Center, which also means that they spend 24/7 in their area) in the area. The area was hopping. We had 21 investigators that we were trying to teach and tons of less actives and all of the members wanted to be involved. We just couldn't do it all because some weeks we were only in our area 2 days. I'm sad but I am also happy that these new sisters will be able to get all the work done. It's kinda a compliment that we had so much work going on that we couldn't take care of it all. Some areas have too little of work and they are doing the opposite by taking missionaries out. Last transfer we worked with Brother Skovira. He got baptized 5 years ago and instantly went less active. He didnt really understand what he was committing to do when he got baptized. We worked really hard with him all transfer and in 2 weeks he is going to receive his endowments at the Columbus temple! YAY!!! So proud of him. He is in his 50s with 2 kids that aren't members.

So on Friday I got transferred to Shaker Heights North. It shares boundaries with Euclid South so the areas are exactly the same. They even meet in the same church building. The area is young families that are going to Case Western for Dental school. A year ago the Shaker ward and the Euclid ward was part of the Shaker ward and then they split it because it was growing so both wards are best friends. It's fun. My new companion is Sister Palmer. She is amazing!! I love her so much. In real life we would totally be best friends! I attached a picture that I also sent last week but I put it this week to show you who Sister Palmer is. She is the one in stripes. She grew up doing ballet and has worked for the past few years as a yoga teacher. I have always looked up to her as a missionary. We are going to have a really great transfer together. She goes home at the end of the transfer. She is so funny she said "In no way am I going to get trunky so you have nothing to worry about." haha. 

There is a really cool young family that just moved into the Shaker Ward, the Miners. We had dinner at their house on Friday. At the end of the meal they were like "we know that you normally ask us this but we are going to ask you... who do you know that we can teach and fellowship?" What?? They want to be put to work and they want to basically act like they are full time missionaries. They said that we can have people over to their house for dinner anytime and they will go and visit anyone we ask them to. I love them!!

We had a really cool miracle this week. Last week Sister Palmer and her companion tracted into a guy named David. He is in his early 30s and said that his wife and their daughter were gone in Disneyland. He gave them his phone number and told them to come back. We went back on Friday. They were sitting outside on their driveway. We met the wife and we started giving her a little shpeal about how we are missionaries and how as missionaries we help families come closer together blah blah blah. She then said "I am actually a lifelong member." Sister Palmer is hilarious. She opened her mouth and full on gasped and said "a member of what?" Andrea said "of the church." Sister Palmer said "Of what church? This church?" It was so funny. Turns out this lady was baptized when she was 8 and about 10 years ago fell away. She told us that her grandparents are temple sealers in the St. George temple. No way! Her records aren't in our ward and no one knows about her. David then said "Ya I've actually been thinking about having you girls over for a BBQ sometime." What the? David has been thinking about us. David totally wants to get baptized. Andrea asked us if we serve just in the Cleveland area and we told her we are also at the Visitors' Center. They looked at each other and said we were actually going to go to the Visitors' Center tomorrow. Are you working tomorrow! YES we were!!! AHhhhhh!!!!! Then she said "I've wanted to go because Lorenzo Snow was my grandpa and he was baptized in Kirtland." No way?? No big deal that one of her great grandpas was a prophet. Miracle!!!!! We texted them later that night and said that we were excited to see them at sites. However, they didn't ever show up at sites. We were so sad. We didn't know what to do. We didn't want to be pushy and text them and say where were you but we wanted them to know that we were waiting for them. At the end of the night last night David texted us and he said "Sorry we didn't make it. We want to come another day. Hope to see you soon." This is so rare. No one ever texts us when they flame us! David seems so interested in the church but we think he is being really careful because his wife must have had a bad experience with it. I am so excited for this miracle. Guess who we called right after this? The Miners. They are going to invite David and his family over for dinner and it is going to be awesome!

Missionary work is sooo cooolll!! I hope you are all doing it. Get out and find people that need the gospel. You can do it! I hope that ya'll have a fun time in Newport! I'll be their next year for sure! Love you all so much. If anyone wants to write me a letter (hint hint, i love mail) my address is 7800 Kirtland Chardon Road Kirtland,OH 44094

Sister Frampton

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