Thursday, August 15, 2013

Happy 4th!

Hey hey! Thanks everyone for your emails this week. Loved seeing all of the pictures. Well this week was really good until today. Transfers are this week. Sister Poppleton is going home so that meant that I was going to be taking over Euclid and getting a new companion. Nope. I found out this morning that I'm getting transferred. Because our area is so successful they need missionaries that can be their full time and not have to spend half of the week at the Visitors' Center. I seriously am so sad right now. I loved my area. I was only here for one transfer. I do know that I will still be living on site of the Visitors' Center but in a different house. Ugh that means that after this I have to book it home to pack. I'll let ya know about transfers The transfer meeting is Friday. 

We've been working with a less active in our area, Brother Skovira. He was baptized 5 years ago and then kinda dropped off the face of the Earth. We have been helping him come back to church and we have been getting him ready to go to the temple to do baptisms. He had his interview yesterday for his recommend. We saw him after and he was like I guess bishop wants me to get my endowments instead. YAY!!!!! We are so excited. He said he couldn't have done it with out us. I'm sad that I will be leaving him but in 2 weeks he will have gone through the temple.

We had a ward activity on Saturday. We had a pot luck and watched the Kirtland pageant. We actually had an investigator come to it. Her name is Margaret. She is about 60 years old. She has been investigating the church off and on for 30 years and she told us she will never become Mormon. Miracles can happen right? The play was really cute. Kirtland is trying really hard to have a big pageant. It's not gonna happen Kirtland. It was put on by the Kirtland Stake aka it was a road show. Parts of it were really rough and the singing is just eh... but it was so cute. Our investigator really liked it. The elder's brought an investigator who is getting baptized in a few weeks. 

We had a fun 4th of July. We were asked not to tract or to really bug anyone. We had no idea what we would do. We share a street with the Shaker Heights North sisters so we decided to stand at a stop light and hand out free lemonade with pass along cards. It was a lot of fun and the people loved it. Whenever it was a red light we would all run up to cars. Everyone was honking and saying happy 4th. I love the girls that we did it with. 

It feels like nothing really happened this week but we were really busy. Fireflies are every where. It is hard "killing" a companion. They get trunky quick. Hopefully I gave her a good last transfer. Thanks for all ya'll do! I love you all. Have a fun trip in Newport!!


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