Monday, July 1, 2013

Summer time and the livin' is easy

Well another week has come and gone. Was it a fast week for everyone or just me? The weather here is insane. It is either burning hot and deathly humid, a little chilly or it's a rain storm. Most days it is all 3 of these things. Thanks for everyone's emails!

Last Monday after pday we went to a lesson we have scheduled with a less active family and they ended up flaming us so we decided to tract their street. We found a really cool mom that has an 11 year old son. She let us teach her the Restoration and we learned that she had been meeting with the West Cleveland missionaries. So cool. She committed to baptism. Their names are Carol and Walter. A few days this week it was so hot. We tried to tract as little as possible so we did a lot of stop bys with little success. We didn't really find any new investigators this week. On Thursday I went on exchanges with Sister Ellsworth. She is one of the new Sister Training Leaders.  It was fun. We went to my area so I was in charge of the day. We found a cool guy named Scott that really needs the church. He committed to baptism. We went back to teach him on Friday and he flamed us. I'm kinda over people flaming us. We have started making these cards that tell people when their next appointment is with us and to call us if they need to reschedule (ya know kinda like doctor's offices do). We thought that would help but it hasn't. I am making this week seem like it was a crappy week but it really wasn't. Saturday night Sister Pop and I got a call and they needed someone to speak in church the next morning. People think that missionaries have all of this time to just write talks and give lessons on the fly. The reason we are so good at giving lessons on the fly is because we practice them 8 hundred million times so then we can just walk up to someone and teach them. It's ok though. We were suppose to talk about America. We were each given 15 mins to talk. It went fine. For the last hour of church the bishop got the whole ward together and talked about a new plan for member missionary work. Whoa our ward is on fire. Have I told ya'll about my ward? My ward consists of 99% young, mid 20's, newlyweds. Everyone either has a newborn baby or is pregnant. Almost all of the husbands in the ward are going to Case Western for dental school. It's a fun ward because everyone is my age. It's really easy to relate to them because they haven't been off their missions for too long. This is what the ward came up with: The assistant ward mission leader is going to be setting up a Google doc that will have live updates each time we get an appointment. We will be texting him whenever we schedule an appt with someone and then again at the end of nightly planning. He has set up a schedule where he will add our appts. Each time something is added it gets texted and emailed to everyone in the ward. He said that he is doing this for 2 reasons. 1. so that members can start coming with us to teach and 2. so the ward can see how hard we are working. I am really excited about this. This guy seems solid! This same guy said that on his mission he was in charge of organizing all of the area books for the mission. He would organize them by where the people geographically live and color coordinate it with where members in the ward live and tons of other cool stuff. We gave him our area book to organize. It's going to be awesome. Also each Wednesday will be social night at the church. Anyone can come and look at the building and hang out and get to know members. This week the ward is going to visit each investigator we have and invite them to join the church. so cool. The Kirtland Pageant starts this week. I bet ya didn't know Kirtland does a Pageant. It is called This is Kirtland. Our ward is going to it on Saturday. It should be way fun. Oh ya!!!!!!! So last night on our way home we pulled over to this field and got out. The field was COVERED in fireflies. It literally took my breath away. It was the coolest thing I have ever seen. I am so sad that their wont be fireflies here when ya'll come and pick me up. I didn't have my camera so we are going back tonight to watch the fireflies. hhmm.. I think that is all that is going on with me. Sister Poppleton goes home in 2 weeks. It is weird having a trunky companion. Weird to see her pack to go home. Transfers are in 2 weeks which means that I will stay in Euclid and a new companion will come to me. I hope everyone is doin good! Have a good 4th of July! I love you all!

Sister Frampton

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