Monday, July 1, 2013

Short Week!

Hey everyone! Thanks so much for all of the emails. The wedding looks like it was so much fun. Is it a huge relief for it to finally be over now? Hopefully ya'll can take a big nap or something to recover. We had a fun week this week. We ended the week with 13 new investigators! So that's exciting! Mom did you get my father's day present? You didn't say anything. I'm glad you got yours dad. My pday has been changed to Monday now so it wasn't too long ago that I was just emailing you (last Wednesday).

Last Wednesday after pday we went out to our area at 6:00pm. We were outside of an apartment building talking to people and we get a text from the AP saying that a tornado warning has been issued for our mission. We were told to immediately get inside and to call our district leader the minute we were inside. It was so cool! I love stuff like this. It was definitely high action. At that moment we were surrounded by apartment buildings. To get into the buildings you have to have a key so we couldn't go inside any of those. We got in the car and tried to call the closest member to see if they would let us come over until further notice. (Oh ps we live about 30 mins away from our area so we were stuck out in Euclid.) We called everyone and no one was answering. The zone leaders were calling us like crazy because we didn't report back to tell them that we were inside. The weather was getting crazy. It was so so windy and the sky was black and green. We ended up just going to a Mcdonalds until we had another place to go. After about 30 mins of waiting there our district leader told us to go straight home and to make sure that when we get home we find all the flashlights at our house and be prepared for anything. We were stoked! We went home and found some dinky flashlights and we filled up two buckets of water (in case the water went out.) We packed a little "to go" back in case we had to leave on quick notice. The mission and the sisters really knew what to do because they were hit by hurricane Sandy. In our mission power was out for days and lots of houses flooded. We didn't hear any other news about the tornado for the rest of the night. It is really annoying to not be able to listen to the radio in situations like these. We went to bed but we were up all night. The weather was INSANE. I have never seen anything like it before. It was hailing huge chunks of ice, the wind was whippin trees around and the lighting was so crazy. As far as we know a tornado never actually hit anywhere in Ohio but the wind and hail did enough damage. Oh ya and because we had to leave our area early that night we had to cancel our appointment with our super prepared family that we found. That's ok though. (I attached a picture of the sky.)

On Friday a neighboring stake had girls' camp and for part of their week they get to come tour Kirtland. How fun! We didn't get to do that at my young women's camp. We took a large group on tour. I haven't worked with the young women while being on my mission so it was fun to spend some time with them. Friday night all the sisters volunteered to work at booth at the Strawberry Festival (aka Kirtland Carnival aka trailer park heaven). We were in charge of making strawberry shortcakes and handing them out to the people. It was so much fun. There was loud music and tons of people. They had the shadiest rides there. I wanted to ride them so bad but missionaries can't ride rides. Rats! Next time.

Saturday was busy busy for us. (Probably not as busy as the wedding on Saturday but...) I thought about the wedding all day. I searched the whole house for wedding colors so I could wear them but I do not own one thing that is pink. oh well. We had tons of appointments set up. We met a guy on Wednesday that said we could come back Saturday. When we got to his house he wasn't home but his mom and his brother were. We taught them about the Plan of Salvation and we added them to our new investigator pool. We also found two 20 year olds at a bus stop and we taught them the Restoration. We set up a return appointment with them so we also added those two to our new investigator pool. I feel like we have been walking around and picking up new investigators all along the way. We went and met with a former investigator and we taught him the gospel of Christ. We talked about baptism and he loved it. He acted baptism for June 11th. So we added him to our new investigator pool and an investigator with a baptism. 

Sunday was really crazy at sites. A 4 bus tour showed up and we were ready to go. It was a group of historic museum and farm people. The people were either farmers or curators or restorers ... They were an interesting bunch. I felt like an idiot giving them a tour. We were told not to give a religious tour, just historical facts. They were asking if we knew how the floorboards were restored and if we knew the process of getting the artifacts. I dont know! Come on folks! Then we had another 4 bus tour come. It was a youth conference from Michigan. The person that sits at the front desk counts how many people come in each day. At the end of yesterday 778 people had come. That is so many people!!! I was really tired by the end of the day. 

Mom will you start sending me the rest of the clothes that I left? A lady in my ward gave us tons of vacuum pack bags so I am going to put all of my winter things in these bags and then store them in the basement for the winter. I am ready for summer clothes. 

They have started to really crack down on the Visitors' Center sisters. They are telling us that we have to be dressed so nice and look really good. We are no long allowed to wear Toms. Our nail polish has to be skin color. We should plan on wearing a blazer (I bought a hideous black one) a few times a week. The head lady of Visitors' Centers is coming in two weeks to do a 2 day training with us. She wants to take a tour from 8 sets of sisters (that's a lot of tours for her). She is really going to help us be better. I am slightly scared but it will be good.

Thanks for everything ya'll do! I love you all and miss you!

Sister Frampton

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