Monday, July 1, 2013

Almost 9 months out!

Hey everyone! Thank you so much for your emails. I love them! Dall...? You are snoozin on the job. I guess nothing else is new with that. haha

This week was so busy I don't even remember everything that happened. Sister Gee gave me a package that had a big 50 points in it. That was a good laugh. On Tuesday I was able to chat online with Kent. He is still in rehab but he is doing really good. He is no longer having withdrawls! :) He said that he wants to get baptized still. I have taught him all of the lessons so all he needs to do is start going to church regularly and meet with missionaries in person. He went to church 2 Sundays ago and he was suppose to go yesterday (I havent talked to him yet). He committed to meet with missionaries. He is really embarrassed that he is in rehab so he doesn't want the missionaries to meet him there. I called his missionaries and they said they could meet him after church. Hopefully they were able to meet him so we can get him baptized! On Thursday  it was Sister Poppleton's birthday! We had a fun day. We found 2 new investigators. Sawweeettt! Friday was predicted as the busiest day we will have all year at Kirtland. We had 9 bus tours scheduled plus all of the people that just walk in. They had almost every companionship (15 companions) scheduled to work that day. They had us all stationed at certain places and ready to go. 1400 people ended up coming in on Friday. I gave 6 tours. I was dead by the end of the night but it was so much fun!! It has been getting sooo hot here. I didn't think it would get miserable in Ohio because we are up north but I was wrong. It is so humid here. I have forgotten what it feels like to live in a humid place. I don't even need lotion. I am going to shrivel up when I get home. On Saturday we were able to get 7 new investigators! Ok so in order for someone to become a new investigator you have to have taught them a lesson, said a prayer with them and scheduled a return appointment. This week we ended having 9 new investigators. This week and last week combined we have 21 new investigators. It is crazy! We have seen a lot of miracles lately. I love it! Last night we had dinner at the worst house ever! I know at I shouldn't complain. I'm not complaining... I'm just painting a picture so you can see what I went through and then you can be proud of me. I have heard from past sisters that this lady's house is sooo gross (That's nothing new for Ohio). My mindset was oh come on I served in Painesville, the worst of the worst when it comes to cleanliness. She signed up to feed us but we had a better idea. We told her that Sister Poppleton wanted to have a birthday dinner and her favorite food is pizza so we would bring over a pizza to eat. That way she doesn't have to cook for us and we don't have to use any of her plates, silverware. I could not believe what I saw when I got there. It smelt like the worst bad breathe and cats. Her floor was covered in garbage. There were some bloody tissues in the corner, no big deal. Cat hair everywhere. No joke I had cat hair stick to my lip gloss. I couldn't breathe. I got a huge glob of hand sanitizer out of my bag and put it on my hands and then kept my hands in front of my face and wiffed that the whole time. Then there was the kitchen..... no no no no!!! An inch thick of grease all over the wall. Pots on the stove that had mold growing in them. Rotten milk on the counter. It was so bad. How can people just be down with this? I know that I am not a clean person. I know that I am messy but this takes it to a whole new level. I just have a lot of clothes that sometimes are on the floor and shoes that stay at the front door. I would never let my house get like this. Thank you mom for keeping our house so clean. Seriously. People don't get it out here. I was trying so hard to not let her see me dying inside. I was sitting on the very edge of the couch (eeewww I was in my new clothes) and I kept everything that I owned on my lap so it wouldn't touch the floor. We cooked the pizza at the church so we were safe to eat. I took one bite and I couldn't do it. Nope. I forced myself to eat one piece and I thought I was good to go. Nope! They had some moldy soda in the fridge that they wanted to share. We had to think quick how we would get out of this. Sister Pop told them that she had an empty water bottle that she could drink hers out of. That way the couldn't track how much she didn't drink. I told them that I had my water so I didn't want anything to drink. I don't think they heard me say that because they came back into the living room with a big cup for me to drink. No no no!!!!! I looked all around to see if there was a near by plant that I could dump it into or some way for me to ditch this drink. There were black clumps of something around the rim of the cup and I couldn't look inside the cup because I was scared. The lady was watching me and waiting for me to take a drink. I quickly said a prayer asking that I could get through this with out gettin sick. I closed my eyes and took a big old drink. I gagged and spit it back into the cup. It was so embarrassing. All I could think to say was "Sorry I dont really like soda." Ya pretty sure she saw right through me. Sorry but clean your house. Any advice for me folks? Get ready Mccall for this. You always have to have an escape plan for when you go to eat at a yucky house!  Did anyone besides dad watch the broadcast last night? Isn't that so cool? They were really cracking down on you guys. I hope that you take it seriously. It is so important that members help out the missionaries. You will be held accountable for it when you are judged. Don't think that just because you live in Salt Lake that you don't need to help the missionaries. Are there any less actives in the ward that you can be helping? A quote that I loved from last night was "Don't wait for an assignment to start doing something. This is your assignment. Start doing something NOW!" HERE is the new website that has been launched in conjunction with the broadcast last night. Please look at that and start making plans to help the missionaries. Have the missionaries over for dinner please. They will be able to help you fulfill your calling as a member missionary. Will you also look at THIS? If you are looking for blessings in your life this is an easy thing that you can do to get blessings. Something that I love is Mormon Messages. If you don't know what those then look HERE. Those are so easy to share with people. You can also order DVDs of them HERE. Have the Fuocos over for dinner and a game night and then watch one of them. The best way to help a family become interested in the Gospel is to have them see what the church has done for you. It is more than just waving hi at them from across the yard. Have them in your home. Ask them to teach you about their beliefs then teach them that you have more to add to theirs. Ok so that is all with my little speach. I love you all so much! This transfer is going really good. Sister Poppleton goes home in 3 weeks. Weird. We are having 7 Kirtland Sisters go home. That is a huge chunk. Then I step up to be one of the Sisters that has been out the longest. So weird! My half way mark is July 10th!!!!!!!!!! Fireflies are now out. They are so cool. Did we have those in Texas? I feel like we did but I can't remember. Kids here break off the light part and put them on their finger as a diamond ring. Funny and gross. Well I love you all lots! I miss you so much.


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