Monday, July 1, 2013

A week of ups and downs

Hello family. I have spent most of my email time emailing back and forth with everyone (which is good) but that means I only have a short time to email right now. *** Oh ya, everyone put this in your phones or on your calendar STARTING NEXT MONDAY MY PDAY WILL BE BACK ON MONDAYS. They had to redo our Visitors' Center schedule because of all the bus tours that are coming so I am back to Monday. Wedding seems to be coming to a close. So fun! I am going to wear wedding colors on Saturday. Yippee.

So last Thursday I started feeling really sick. My whole body hurt and my throat hurt and I was super stuffy and had a fever. I was sent home from Sites and I went to bed about 8:00 Thursday night and Friday at 5:30pm I was woken up and told that I have to go next door so that I could be with another sick Sister as temp companions. I went to sleep, wandered over to my house at 9:30pm and woke up Saturday at 4:00pm. I was dead. I had a bad sinus infection mixed with strep. Yuck! Everyone in Kirtland is getting it. I am getting better now so that is good!

Do ya'll remember Tommy? Well his friend that referred him to us when I was in Painesville lives in my new area. I talked with Tommy and his friend and we are going to start teaching Tommy again at his friend's house. Pretty cool!

Also remember Kenton Rennton? Well he has been in rehab for 60 days and hasn't really been able to talk with us. We were sitting on chat a few days ago and up pops a chat from him. So random but so exciting! Perfect timing because if we were on a tour we would have totally missed him. Kent is doing really good. He said that he got 2 hours of off site privledges and he is going to use those 2 hours to go to one of our churches. I haven't heard if he actually made it to church but cross our fingers that he did.

Ok because I am short on time I will jump to the two miracles that happened last night!!!!!! After dinner we went to go find a former investigator. When we got to the address we  had for her it was a huge apartment complex. We didn't know which room was hers. We decided to knock on the first door and ask if they knew her. They didn't. At the door I blurted out "We teach people about Jesus. Do you want to learn more about Jesus?" It was this big old black lady. She was like "ya my kids need Jesus. Get in here! Girls scoot over, these girls are going to teach us more about Jesus." There were two ladies there with 3 teenage girls. They have sweet black girl names- Elisha, Rachelle, Larrisha, Jomika and Janaja. The mom said " I think it would be good for my girls to hear it from ya'll since you are close in age." It seriously was so cool. The 17 year old said the opening prayer and in it she said "help us to learn something from these girls that we don't already know." We taught them about faith and repentance. While we were teaching repentance the one lady stopped us and was like ok girls do you understand what repentance is? Do you really understand it? She kept checking to see if the girls understood what we were teachin them! At the end of the lesson the prayer was sooo powerful! The agreed to have us come back tonight! They all hugged us goodbye and told us that they loved us. As the 17 year old girl hugged Sister Poppleton she said "When I was in Washington I used to have the Elders come over. I have been praying for more missionaries to come back." AHHHHH!!!!!! What the heck. So cool!!! We are going to commit them tonight to be baptized June 29th!

The next miracle: So after that lesson we were obviously on cloud nine. We drove to a street to tract but we weren't allowed to park on that street so we drove around the corner to park on some random street. When we got out I felt like we should knock on this house. We knocked and they let us right in. It was a young family with 2 girls ages 7 and 8. We taught them the plan of salvation and they LOVED it!!!! It was so cool. They accepted baptism and they want to come to church. They even asked us for a Book of Mormon. Miracles really do happen. We knocked 2 doors yesterday and got 8 new investigators. Please pray for them. The names of the 2nd family are Ashley, Ryan, Tyler and Jordan.

Seeing the Hopkins was so fun yesterday. I loved it. I was only able to give them 1/2 of the tour because I had District Meeting. It's always a little boost to see people you know from home.

I love you all so much! Thanks for all your support.


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