Monday, July 1, 2013

Ch ch ch changes, turn and face the sun

Happy Memorial Day! Answer me this... I opened my email today and it had a big zero. Did something happen? Is everyone ok? Well for me this week I had a really great fun week and also a really sad hard week. Let's start with last Monday, Pday. Last week I went on exchanges to the Amish country and I really wanted to take Sister Gee back and show it to her. We went with the Jones couple and spent some time with the Amish. It was a blast! The pictures I attached with this email are from the Amish country. There is one more picture (I'll attach it in the next email because myldsmail wont let me send big emails) that we took in Middlefield. There is a famous Amish restaurant called Mary Yoders. We bee bopped over there and had lunch. I will for sure be taking ya'll to Amish country when you come pick me up. We stopped in at a huge quilt shop. Mom,  you and both grandmas would have DIED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There was a quilt that was made out of tiny yo-yos. It was so cool. It was $1800. We will for sure be going there. The Amish people think that if you take a picture of them or of something they have made a part of their soul is taken away so they didn't allow pictures in the quilt shop. Wednesday we worked at Pioneer School. Remember what that is? Historic Kirtland Visitors' Center is part of the Lake County Historical Society. During the summer the county building puts on different "days camps" or field trip things. The Sisters are in charge of candle dipping. It was our turn this week. It was so much fun. I didn't realize how much I missed teaching children until this week. This week we had 2nd graders. We taught 3 groups for an hour each. It was great. We get to dress up like pioneers and have a good old time. After Pioneer school Sister Gee got a call from President. He asked her if she would train a new missionary that is coming. I cannot tell you how excited I was for her. President asked me if I thought it was a good idea for her to be training. HECK YES IT IS!!!!! Sister Gee is an amazing person and she has come to be my very best friend. These last two transfers I have grown the most and I owe it all to her. She has all the right qualities of a missionary. She knows how to be diligent and reverent but she also knows how to be loud and have fun. Daily we find ourselves laughing to tears together. Her new companion is so lucky! I am also heartbroken to be leaving Painesville. Painesville is my house. I can drive around Painesville without a map or GPS and I can find anything. I can drive down the road and wave to people that are walking around because I have talked to them and made friends with them. I am pretty sure that I couldn't do that in Salt Lake. When I go downtown I def need my iphone to help me get around and I don't know people that are walking down the street. Changes are part of missionary work. Once you learn that things get easier. Learn that right now Mccall. You fall in love with people and then the next minute they are our of your life forever. After Pioneer School Sister Gee and I had a good cry together. It will be good though. I feel 100% confident in leaving Painesville with Sister Gee. The hard part of all of this is telling the people that I wouldn't be coming anymore. We were at Sites the rest of Wednesday so we couldn't tell people in person. I called the Pina family- Cynthia and Fatima. I have been teaching them for almost 8 months. I am literally part of their family. I feel comfortable walking into their house with out knocking and walking over to the sink and filling up my water bottle or driving to their house and asking them if we can use their bathroom while we are out tracting. They are awesome. Cynthia answered the phone she is 13 years old. She was in shock. She kept saying " No no no! Who is the guy that is in charge of you. Let me call him and tell him that you can't leave." Sad! We went over to their house on Thursday and told the rest of the family. A 5 year old girl lives with them and she was so sad which made me so sad. Fatima said the opening prayer and spent like 5 minutes asking God to take care of me and to bless me and to make sure that someone really nice takes my place. Needless to say I cried my makeup off during that whole prayer. The hard thing about being a missionary is you can't ever say, "Ya I know this sucks that I am leaving" or " I'm mad at President for transferring me." (I mean you can say that stuff but not to investigators or people in the ward.) You have to teach them that everything is in God's plan and that you have confidence that the next missionary will be someone that will be great for them. I took a video of the Pina family. I had each of them talking in it. This email won't let me send long videos so maybe I will put it on a disk and mail home all my videos or something..? Or does anyone know how to change the format of a video to a smaller size? On Friday President had a meeting with all of the missionaries that would be training. This transfer there are 3 Visitor Center sisters that are training. They put the companions of the trainers together for the day and kept us at Sites. We were able to give a really cool tour. The Community of Christ has a summer intern program that just started. 6 college students moved out here for the summer and they will be learning how to give tours of the Kirtland Temple. The main CofC guy brought the interns down and asked if we could give them a tour so the interns could 1. learn the history of our church and see how it matches up with theirs and 2. learn how to give really great tours. The three of us were asked to take them out. I was really nervous. I didn't want to say anything that would offend them however I did want to say things that would bring the Spirit. The tour ended up being really great. The CofC people basically have the same beliefs we do they just don't follow the word of wisdom. Since the tour I have seen some of them around Kirtland and it is really great that I can stop and talk to them since we are now friends! We are not allowed to ask anyone from the Kirtland Community of Christ church to let us teach them. They aren't allowed to do it to us either. However if they ask us questions then we can teach them. All we can do right now is be their friends and help them see how great our church is. I'm sure a lot of you have wondered this at some point in your life- Is the church ever going to own the Kirtland Temple? The answer is no. It is better that way. There would be no point. The CofC take really good care of it. They are so respectful and everything they say on tour is accurate to our church. Also if we ended up getting the temple what would we use it for? We couldn't use it as a temple. It is basically the same as the Assembly Hall on Temple Square. It is just a big chapel. The reason the Kirtland Temple was built was so keys could be restored for temple ordinances. Those keys were restored and the purpose of the Kirtland Temple came to pass. (Sorry I am kinda going off about this.) Anywhoo... to sum it all up. Don't worry about who owns the Kirtland Temple. It is being well taken care of. On Saturday we were asked to help with a huge young single adult activity. All of the eastern states get together for a huge EFY like event and they call it Zion's Camp. We were asked to help with breakfast. It was really fun to talk with people our age for once. It was also kinda fun to sit back and watch all of these people try and flirt with each other. We were SSSOOOOOOO glad that we were not in their position. Those cheesy YSA activities can be painful. A bunch of 30 year olds checkin each other out next to the punch bowl. Yikes! The Island of Misfit Toys. Sister Gee and I grabbed one of their schedules and were casually looking to see what they would be doing for the day when all of the sudden my eyes caught the name Alex Boye`. I have come to love him on my mission. He is one of the only church cds that I can listen to without wanting to die. If you don't know who Alex Boye` is you can check him out HERE and HERE. He was having a concert in the Kirtland Temple that night. We ran to our planners and tried to figure out how we could arrange our lessons so we could make it front row to the concert. We decided to be obedient and not go to his concert. (However later that night we might have been peekin out our window lookin for him across at the temple.)  All of Saturday I took a farewell tour around Painesville. We spent the day stopping at peoples' homes to say by. We had lunch with a less active Sister Wheeler. We had a good lesson with the Atleys. She is in her late 80s and started crying when I had to say good bye therefore, I started crying. Geezzz when I said by to all of you at the MTC I was happy as a lark and bee bopped right on it. I've turned into some whimpy crier. You'd be shocked. A member in the ward had a goodbye bonfire for Sister Christian (she is another missionary in the ward. She is going home this week. It's weird to think that missionaries actually finish their missions. It seems like missions go on FOREVER!) and me. It was really nice of him to do that. A few people from the ward came and we had a good time laughing and joking. Man I love these people. I think it will be good that I am leaving because if they ever want to see me they will have to come to the Visitors' Center and that will automatically bring more people out to take tours. Sunday morning Zion's Camp was having sacrament meeting in the temple. Alex would be doin a little number in the middle of the meeting. Sister Gee and I ran over to the temple before our ward started and tried to stop Alex. (Yes I know what you are thinking... You guys are losers! Ya we know. We don't have much out here as missionaries so let us get star struck when a Mormon celebrity comes to town!) We weren't allowed to attend the Sacrament Meeting so we snuck in and spotted Alex on the front row. That was good enough for us but some YSA kid that was in charge grabbed us and asked us if we wanted to meet him. YES!! He introduced us to him and we shook his hand. It would have been slightly inappropriate to snap a photo of him as Sacrament Meeting was trying to start. I invited him to come to the Visitors' Center and take a tour from us. He said he really wanted to but his plane was leaving early. We also told him thank you for making profile because we are able to share it with others. He was really nice. We pretty much are famous because we met Alex Boye. Good times. I didn't really want my ward to know that I was being transferred. I just wanted a clean break. They have seen missionaries come and go so they are used to is. I didn't want to spend all of church taking pictures with people and watching people cry and blah blah blah... I just wanted to go to church. Well I made it all the way to the last 10 mins of church when the relief society president announces that I am getting transferred and she has me come stand in front while they all sing God Be With You 'Till We Meet Again. Ya might as well just rip my heart out and take it home in your purse. The women started crying so then I started crying. What the heck folks! I'm not dying. During the song the R.S. Pres (did I also mention that she is nutty?) was kissing me on the cheek so I had lipstick all over the place. After church people trapped me in the R.S. room. Peeps were cryin and all trying to hug me at once and ask where I was getting transferred. People also had cornered Sister Gee and were asking her who she was getting. Sister Gee ended up kinda being pushed out of the R.S. room and I was trying to weave around people to find her (in case you didn't know companions have to be side by side 24/7). It ended up turning into a mad house. So claustrophobic. Everyone was trying to touch me and get my attention. I started having a mini panic attack so I grabbed Sister Gee and we ran to the car and hid in it until the other Sisters came out. See ya later Perry Ward! I guess people get attached after almost 8 months together. We drove to Sites and it looked like Disneyland. Hoards of people were walkin around. Visiting the Visitors' Center was the last part of the Zion's Camp activity. At one point we had 8 tours out with each tour having about 20-30 people. That is a ton of people!!!!!!!! It was a lot of fun to hang out with peeps our age and ask them about college or what is going on in the outside world. Ok so this email is really long because since it is Memorial Day the libraries are closed so we are emailing at someone's house. Sister Gee finished her emailing in 5 mins and she is currently passed out on the floor which leaves me some time to write. I stayed up really late last night packing up all of my stuff. Man I have a lot of crap. I was able to ditch all of the useless junk and fit everything in my 2 suitcases. Transfer meeting is on Wednesday and that is when I find out my fate. President tends to do anything and everything with Site sisters when it comes to transfers. Site sisters can be sent to the other side of the state and spend a transfer or 2 never coming to Sites (this happens to almost every missionary at some point!! yikes!) or they can be sent to live off campus and come to Sites once a week (that is currently the situation that Kylie is in right now) or he can keep you living on Site and have you at the Visitors' Center 4 days a week.  Right now the sky's the limit for me. I really don't want to go full pros. I would cry really hard. I have come to love giving tours at Kirtland. Sisters that have had to go full pros have said that it is very lonely out there but that it is a good learning experience. Heavenly Father is in charge and he will put me where I am suppose to go. I think that is all that I can possibly think of to write home this week. I love you all. I am sorry about Jack. That is so sad. Plans for a new dog? How is Austin handling it? Also will someone just email me and let me know that you are all alive? I love you all! OHHHH ya!!!! How could I have forgotten this???? I got the wedding invite!!!! Darling!!!!!!! Obsessed!!!!! I think it has gone through each of the Kirtland Sisters' hands. We all approve! I also got your postcard mom. That was really nice of you. I love love getting mail in my mail box. I like it more then getting emails (hint hint!). Have a great week peeps. 

Sister Frampton

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