Thursday, August 15, 2013

9.5 folks

Hey everyone. Thanks for the email this week Mom! Also tell grandma Schaar thanks for the letter. I got it and I am in the process of writing her back. It sounds like Cali was tons of fun! 

This week was good. Long but good. We have been teaching a super prepared girl named Stephanie. She is getting baptized August 17th. YAY! We scheduled to have her come to the Visitors' Center for a lesson on Tuesday. When she got here is was mad chaos. A huge tour bus had just shown up and some missionaries hadn't shown up yet for their shift. It was so awkward because Stephanie was just standing there as we were trying to arrange it so we wouldn't have to go out on tour. After a bunch of chaos I decided to take the tour our alone and Sister Palmer decided to teach Stephanie. We were going to teach her about tithing but she was having a really hard time recognizing the Spirit so Sister Palmer talked to her about that instead. She said that it went really good and Stephanie is still planning on August 17th. Stephanie is great!!!!

Also on Tuesday I chatted with Kent. Remember him? We have been chatting about once a week. He is still in rehab and has to have his conversations monitored which means he gets computer time once a week. Kent finally told us what one of his concerns was. He doesn't think his prayers are good enough. I helped him learn how to formulate better prayers and he prayed (by prayed I mean he typed it over chat). It went really well.

Wednesday was really crowded at the Visitors' Center. Tons of tours!! At the end of the night we had a huge Pioneer Day BBQ with all of the Sisters that serve at the Visitors' Center and all of the Senior Couples that serve here. It was a lot of fun. We spent the whole night laughing so hard. Sister Neslen told everyone that Mccall does a really good plastic surgery face and then everyone asked me what it looked like. Of course I can't do it but everyone made Kylie and I do it. It was so funny. Wish you were here for that Mickle! 

I think the heat wave of Ohio is finally over!!!! YAY!!!!!! It was seriously the worst thing ever. It has now cooled down to the 80's.
On Thursday I went on exchanges with Sister Nelson. We stayed in my area. It was a lot of fun. We stopped by this old lady who is addicted to pain pills. She legit has the devil in her. It was scary. haha. We spent most of the day contacting people in the park and trying to get them to listen to us. People in Ohio just don't want to listen to us. 

On Saturday we taught a really great lesson to our investigators Connie and Corey. It was the Plan of Salvation. They totally understood it and the accepted it to be true! The Spirit was there way strong!!!! I love when the Spirit is in lessons that we teach. After that lesson we were on our way to a member dinner and we came upon the Celestial Kingdom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A huge shopping center that had ANTHROPOLOGIE and LULU in it. I know that this sounds really shallow but seeing things like this help me remember that God loves me. God had to remind us that he loves us because of what was going to come..... The Marx!!!!! They invited us over for dinner. They live in this tiny, tiny apartment. They have cats and dogs. Their apartment is covered in animal hair and smells like pee. The food they gave us was covered in animal hair. I couldn't do it. I honestly felt like I was going to throw up. I did however come up with a plan. I opened my napkin across my lap and the second they both looked away I dumped my whole plate onto my lap and balled it up in the napkin. Get ready for this Mccall! It's so funny. I left the meal not taking one single bite. I'm pretty proud of myself for that. :)

Everything is going really great out here in Ohio! I love being a missionary. Thanks for all you guys do. Have any of you had any missionary experiences lately? I would love to hear them. I love you all lots.


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