Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Such a good week

Hey family. This week is the big week Mickle! I am so excited for you. yay!!! Well on Saturday we had a baptism. Her name is Stephanie Cushey. She is amazing. In 2 weeks she is moving to China for a study abroad so we have been in contact with the YSA branch president in Beijing and they are going to take good care of her. I emailed OJ and Tara and they have some American friends in Beijing that can make sure she stays strong in the church. The baptism was really stressful but once it started it was amazing. The spirit was so strong. She got baptized in the YSA ward so fellowship for her was really easy. Usually 15-20 people show up for a baptism but we had 50+ people there. The Visitors' Center director and his wife came. Stephanie was so happy to be baptized. She gave a really great testimony at the end. For converts they confirm them in Sacrament Mtg. so we were able to go to the YSA branch for that. Sister Palmer and I were bawling the whole time because it was so neat! Yay the church is true! We are still teaching Connee and Cory. They are slowly coming along. Connee is coming along more then Cory. Cory now works on Sundays which stinks but Connee told us that she would come to church. She didn't come and she didn't call us or text us back when we asked where she was. Uh oh. We went to her house as soon as we could and she said she was "sick". Nope she wasn't. She finally came out and said that she had anti'ed herself, meaning that she had looked up some anti websites. She had a lot of questions for us but she came to the realization that so far she has like what she has seen with the church and she is going to continue with it until she sees something that she doesn't like. Fair enough. We are still teaching Carmella. Carmella is great but she thinks that worshiping Jesus in any way is good. She doesn't believe that there is just one way that we should. It's hard to get people to change their mind about things. Sister Palmer leaves this week to go home. I am so sad. She is so great and we have had a lot of miracles together. Hopefully my new companion is ready to work. Oh ya so I woke up a few days ago and I couldn't walk. Something got me. The mission doctor told me to take a Benadryl and sleep all day. So that's what I did on Wednesday. Lame. No one really knows what it is because we couldn't find any trace of bed bugs. Connee is a nurse so she freaked out when I came to her house with two legs all wrapped up. She had some steroid cream at her house so she put that all over it and properly wrapped them up. She was so nice to help me. Our ward mission leader Brother Miner is a dermatologist so he was able to prescribe me something for free. The bites are going down which is good. I was really scared for a second because I couldn't even walk. Despite all of that I love being a missionary. I think Sister Palmer and I discovered why missionaries are tired ALL THE TIME! It's because we are having spiritual experiences all day. Those wipe you out. Kirtland is the best mission ever! I love being out here and I never want to come home. haha. Have a good week everyone. Ps mom could you send me 2 white shade shirts? Thanks. Love you all so much!

Sister Frampton

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