Thursday, August 15, 2013

Heat Wave

Hello Hello! Thanks for all of the emails and pictures this week. The videos were HILARIOUS! Austin dancing! Killed me! Disneyland looked so fun. Congrats on waking up at the same time as me when you got in line for Cali adventures. I can totally see Mccall with a schedule for everyone. haha! Fun! I'll be there next year.

So this week has been crazy. Everyone here is MELTING!!! There is an unusual heat wave that has struck Ohio. 95 degrees + 80% humidity = 112 degrees. It has been all over the news not to go outside. Yikes! We have been taking tons of youth tours lately and the youth have been sneaking away from the tour to go sit inside where there is air condition. Always by the end of the tour we are talking to 6 adults and 5 youth. It's so funny! Hopefully it starts to cool off! 

We are currently teaching this girl named Stephanie. She is 20 years old. She started talking to missionaries when she was in Michigan for college. She came home for the summer and we are now teaching her. She goes to the single's ward but since she is in our area we get to teach her. She is awesome!!! We feel like we are just hangin out with our friend. She reads the BofM each day and prays and goes to church. She is getting baptized August 17. YAY my first baptism.

My ward is pretty sweet. The Shaker ward and the Euclid ward (my last area) has been named "BYU extension." Everyone has just gotten married, graduated BYU and going to dental school. It's fun to be in a ward where everyone is the same age as you. 

Ok so here is the big news I've been waiting to tell you. On Wednesday we were at the Visitors' Center. It was so crazy busy. There were 3 big youth groups inside the Visitors' Center. The senior missionary that was sitting at the desk was trying to figure out which missionaries would take which group out on tour. I was walking towards the theater to see if anyone in there needs a tour and all of the sudden I grabbed this lady that was walking past me. It was so weird and kinda hard to explain. I didn't see this lady before I grabbed her. My body just lurched at her and grabbed her and even before I saw her face I said " I know you." Then she turned and looked at me and I yelled " Oh my gosh I do know you." Guess who it was? (Hopefully she hasn't already emailed you and spoiled the surprise.) It was Jessica Storm. Remember her? I have no idea how that happened. I guess it was the Holy Ghost! There is no way that in a crazy crowd of people I could have picked her out. She looked at me kinda funny and then looked at my name tag and then started screaming. It was so fun! Her and her family were walking outside with another set of sisters to take a tour but I told them that I wanted to take their family. Because it was so busy my companion took the youth tour we were suppose to take and I was able to take Jessie and her family (6 kids, which included a 7 week baby) out on tour alone! It was such a cool experience. He oldest son is 15. He is huge. So crazy that she has a kids that is that old. Her kids are so cute and so put together and well behaved. They all have bright white blonde hair. She asked about all of you and I gave her and her husband the update. It was so much fun! She is so nice. They are living in Morgan Utah right now. We spent about 2 1/2 hours together. Cool huh? She said that she would send the pictures she took on her phone. Have you gotten them yet?

I love you all so much! Hey this week when you pray will you pray for Stephanie and Nicole? Will you also pray that we will find people to teach? Ya'll are the best! Have fun at the beach!

Sister Frampton

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