Monday, December 9, 2013

It's December

Hello everyone that I love. Thank you for all the emails this week. It looks and sounds like everyone had a really great Thanksgiving. I had a really awesome one myself. We were invited over by a member and all of the missionaries in the ward went (there are 6). The meal was so yummy and it was complete with pumpkin pie. It was really fun. 1/2 of us dressed up as indians and the other 1/2 dressed up as pilgrims.
We have still been meeting with Chris. We had some good lessons with him. We taught him about the Book of Mormon and it went really good. We got a call Wednesday night saying that we got permission to go to KIRTLAND!!!!!!!!!! I was so excited to go back to the place that I love and see all the sisters that are there. Our plan was to take Chris and have our less active Tara drive us. I spent Thursday and Friday morning teaching Sister Warden about the Whitney Store so she could give the tour with me. She is really smart and she remembered the facts really well. When Friday came I couldn't focus all morning because I was so excited to go to Kirtland. We left at 2:00. Kirtland is a 2 hour drive. We had a lot of fun in the car. It was really great to be back in Kirtland. I really wanted Chris Mikucki to take the tour with us. I thought that he could be a good help for our investigator Chris. (Sorry Connee, I know you hate the word investigator) I called Chris and he was able to come take the tour with us. The Spirit was really strong in the store. WOW!!! Chris Mikucki gave a really great testimony of the church. He has come so far and we were very impressed with him. He's amazing. After the tour Kirtland was having it's annual Light up Kirtland celebration. We didn't know that was going on but we were so glad that we were there. We had wrapped all of the trees with Christmas lights back in October so it was fun to see them all lit up. A lot of people from the Shaker Heights ward were there and that was great! Chris and Tara said that they really liked it and they had a great time. We had a lesson with Chris on Saturday and it was really, really weird. He said that he doesn't need God's help with anything. He thinks it is selfish to ask God for help. We also found out that he doesn't believe in Jesus or the Bible. He thinks that there is truth in the world for each person and that there isn't just one universal truth. We don't really know how to help him. It was a weird lesson. Chris said that he would come to church on Sunday but he didn't. That can be frustrating sometimes. After church we called Chris's friend Keaton and scheduled a lesson with him. Keaton is so awesome. He told us how he came to find God and we really felt the Spirit as he talked. He told us that he prays a lot and really tries to follow the Spirit and do what God wants him to do. We started teaching the Restoration and he agreed with everything- up until we started talking about the Book of Mormon. (Oh ya I forgot to remind you that Keaton is the guy we met last week. Keaton had met with missionaries in the past so he knows a lot about the church. ) Keaton does not understand the need for the Book of Mormon. We bore testimony of it and showed him scriptures but nothing worked. It started to get a little heated and he said that he would never ever read the Book of Mormon. Any advice?? Connee? He is a born again so I need your advice. He said that he would like to meet with us again so that is good.
This week has been really good. We are working hard and trying to help people progress. I love Norwalk and all of the people here. Tomorrow the whole mission is meeting in the Kirtland Temple for mission conference. So fun!!! I'm excited to be back in Kirtland again!!! Twice in 1 week. I love you all and miss you. I cannot wait to see your faces over the computer on Christmas. Tara (a member here) said that we could use her computers and internet. I know that Google Hang Out allows more then one person to video chat. That way me and Mickle can both be there. Can you check that out dad?
LOVE YOU!!!!!!
Sister Frampton
Write me letters
246 West Main St. #D
Norwalk, OH 44857

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