Monday, March 18, 2013

Week 22ish

Thanks for the emails this week everyone. Mom- your sewing cabinet looks way nice. My companion graduated from BYU with two degrees, one is in civil engineering and the other is in clothing construction. Today we are going to the fabric store and getting fabric to make a top and skirt. She is a pro so hopefully I can figure out what she is teaching me. To answer everyone's question: yes I wore green yesterday. I have a bright green sweater that I wore! My companion didn't have any green so I let her borrow this other light green sweater that I have. I'll see what outfit I can round up that are the wedding colors and I'll take a picture of it and send it. Kinda fun. I got a really random email today from someone telling me that someone they know is coming to this mission and that they know Jake Airhart..? They also said that Missy Airhart's sister is coming here. I was really confused because the email wasn't from someone that is actually coming here. I emailed the person and said that the person they know can totally email me. I guess if anyone has any info on that you can tell the girl to directly email me.
This week was good. We were able to have 9 lessons. That is a lot for our area. We also tracted 5 1/2 hours. Basically that means that we were busy this week. Sister Gee and I have been trying to think of really good ways to talk to people when they open the door. We decided just to be frank and if they aren't interested then move on. When they open the door we say "Hey we are teaching people about this book. It's called the Book of Mormon. It's a book about Jesus Christ that can bring you peace and happiness. DO you want to learn more about it?" It has been quite successful. We also decided that in the nicer areas (which by nice I mean that it's not government housing) we are going to pass out flyers for people to volunteer at the Bishop's Storehouse. Hopefully that will drawn some peeps in. Most of the people that we taught this week are people that we had taught in the past- Cynthia, Marcos, Fatima, Markiesha (her little brother is in our ward) and Alex Telegdy. Alex is someone that we first taught when I got here. We found out that he is on parol for the next 5 years. Well we decided that it will probably take him a few years to change and stop smoking so we might as well start now. The work has been really slow for the mission. No one can figure it out. We had a zone training meeting this week and we went over numbers. No one is having success. Our goal for this year is 557 baptisms. The mission is at 13. Nice! Probably not going to make out goal! We are told that prepared people are here in our mission just waitin for the gospel but where the heck are they? It has been crazy in our ward because this transfer they added missionaries to the ward. There are 8 missionaries and a sr. couple. Ward council can no longer be held in the Bishop's office because the missionaries take over.
Ok so has Austin gotten any of the letters that I've sent? Tell him that I love him and that he needs to write me. Tell him to make a video for me and to send it to me. Sister Gee will make him a video this week and send it next Monday. Did Dallin ever get the funny book that I sent him? I saw it for like 75 cents at the Painesville library. Such a gem. Remember how I told ya that my companion doesn't like to stay long and email? Well she is standin over me ready to go. Sacrafice brings forth the blessings of Heaven. Right? Hey if anyone has anything they could send me that would be helpful to me as a missionary send it my way- techniques that worked on your mission, ways that you found people to teach, cute teaching aides that I can print off and color... anything. Send this to all the cousins and see if they have any tips that would help me out.
I love you all and miss you like crazy! Oh ya so my release date is March 24th, 2014. Most likely it won't be exactly on that date but a few days either before or after. Start getting work off so ya'll can come out here. No excuses! :) Thanks for everything.
Sister Frampton

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