Saturday, April 20, 2013

Hide yo kids, hide yo wife... We're goin gangsta

Hello everyone! Thank you to those who emailed me this week. I really do love getting emails and mail from everyone. This weekend I was able to watch all of conference (well all except the last hour of Sunday morning session because we had to give a tour of Kirtland). On Saturday Sister Gee and I went to our ward to watch it. We expected lots of people to be there. I remember going to watch conference at the ward in Texas and tons of people were there. However, we were the only ones there. We had packed a "conference" bag (ya know with our blankets, snacks, drinks, projects to work on, fuzzy socks) and said we would only bring in the conference bag if no one else is there. We have to look professional in front of the members. We had such a good set up in the chapel. It was a lot of fun.

Do ya'll remember back in December when Sister Hansen and I were teaching the Pina family? Well they are back in business. This time it is only Cynthia (she is 14) and Fatima (she is 21). Fatima has 2 kids ages 3 and 9 months. Fatima lives with her boyfriend. Fatima and Cynthia are sisters. I love them both so much. Fatima loves learning from us. She is amazing. We are teaching them tonight and we are going to invite them to be baptized!!!!!! Please pray for Cynthia and Fatima. We are also hoping that Fatima's boyfriend Jose jumps on board.

This week has been really good at Kirtland. I have been really studying the history of everything that has happened here so that I can give really good, powerful tours. I have been studying a lot about the Whitney family. I am so surprised that they are never talked about when church history is being taught. Study about Newel and Elizabeth Whitney. They are so cool!!! 

I had a really funny experience on Saturday. We had an appointment with a girl we have been off and on teaching named Markiesha. When we got there she was asleep. Boo!!!!! As we were getting in the car to leave we saw her cousin Bixxie walking up. Now I have had a few good conversations with him in the past. He is the neighborhood's main drug dealer. We started talking with him and asking him how he was doing and stuff. I think he was on something because he was going off about us church girls always comin around and always askin him how he is doing and what's new. After about 5 mins two other black guys walk out of a neighbor's house and I totally knew them. They are sons of a less active that's in the ward. I had met them about a month ago with Sister Bell. They walked over and they were like "Yo whut up it's the church girl Miss Frampton." Bixxie was so confused that I knew his friends and Sister Gee was just rolling her eyes because it seems like I know all of the gangstas in our area. We started talking with them and catching up on how their mom was and how they were doing. They had another friend join up with them that I didn't know. Bixxie was getting annoyed and he said "ya'll can keep talking with us but I don't wanna hear any church talk." Alright that was the plan- just to get them comfortable talking with us and then maybe the next time we'll talk church. They said that it used to be weird to see me (a white girl) hangin out in the ghetto but now they are used to it because they see me all the time just walkin around. Their friend Odin started asking us questions about our church and Bixxie was getting all mad. Odin calmed him down by saying "it's alright man if we talk religion. No harm done. Relax!" Odin had some really great questions for us! He had questions that go right along with the Restoration. He kept saying "i'm not trying to disrespect ya'll but how do you know to trust the men of your church? They are men. How do you they aren't just making things up?" He was so interested in how men have changed the Bible and how men have been teaching whatever they want to teach. We ran to our car and grabbed two restoration pamphlets. We sat down on the concrete and taught him the first lesson. It was so cool. We taught him just enough that he would still have some questions and want to keep talking with us. He gave us his number and we are going to talk again!! It is so cool how when things don't work out (Markiesha flaming out lesson bc she was asleep) that the Lord always has another plan.

Ok well my companion is hovering over me and she is ready to go! I love you all so much! Thanks for all you do!

Sister Frampton

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