Monday, April 1, 2013

"mmm... Jesus tastes good."


Happy Easter everyone! I am jealous that the weather in Utah has been so warm!!! It is so cold and yucky here. According to Sister Atley (my favorite 89 year old Mayan Indian) it doesn't warm up here until the end up May. I guess I just need to buckle up until then.
For Easter we went to a 7:30 am devotional at the Kirtland Temple. The Community of Christ put it on. It was good but a bit strange. Also a really loud trumpet was involved during the service. Nice. We went to church, had an intense Easter egg  hunt at the Kirtland Historic Sites and then the 6 of us that live together dyed eggs and had an egg roll. It was so much fun. Of course I got out on the first round. Nothing new there. (videos to come) 

Some quick highlights of the week:
A 24 year old guy named Kent came onto chat with Sister Gee and I. He said that he has hit rock bottom and he really wants to find God and turn his life around. We had a really good chat with him. It lasted about 2 hours. We taught him all about Jesus Christ. He knew nothing about him. He really liked learning from us. We taught him how to pray and we waited while he prayed on the other end of the computer. He prayed and said that he loved how he felt. We set up another appointment with him for the next day and we had another really good chat with him. We found out that he was about 2 days sober from Meth and that he is having a really hard time coming off of it. Sister Gee committed both her and I to go off of sugar while he is going off of Meth so we can also experience with drawls and cravings so we could relate to him. (Thank you Sister Gee) So since last Wednesday we have been off sugar. I really can relate to Kent. We are calling him tomorrow to see if he made it to church yesterday. Pray for Kent.

Ok here is the best thing that has happened my whole mission. Get ready folks...
On Friday we had dinner at a member's house. It is a bit of a sketchy member but whatever. He is a single dad and has 2 sons about ages 8 and 11. We can't eat there alone with him so we always bring our trusty best friend Sister Atley. He made us an Easter feast- it actually was really good. Lamb (baa baa) (When he turned and looked the other way I hurried and put mine back. I just couldn't do it. Mary had a little lamb...), potatoes, asparagus, broccoli. Before he lets us eat he says "The reason we are having this meal is because it is symbolic. Do you know why it is symbolic?" One of the boys shouts "Because Jesus is a lamb." The dad says "Why yes Joey Jesus is the lamb." All of the sudden Joey takes a huge chomp of Lamb and with his mouth so full he says "Mmmm Jesus tastes good." Sister Gee and I were pinching each other under the table and trying so had not to laugh. The dad said "Ya Lehi said that the gospel is delicious to the taste." WHATTT???? They dad is just goin with it. I tried to bring it all back to reality and I chimed it "Well it's kinda like the sacrament. We aren't really eating Jesus." No one even heard my comment because the boys were saying how good Jesus tastes. The second we got in the car Sister Gee and I bursted out in laughter. 

Well I  hope everyone is doing good. Thanks for the emails this week. I love getting mail in my mail box so just to remind everyone my address is:

7800 Kirtland Chardon Road
Kirtland, OH 44049

Happy Spring!

Lacee Rae

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