Saturday, April 20, 2013

The story of Kenton Renton

Hey everyone! Thank you for the emails. It looks like our family consists of travelers this week. So fun. If you ever make it out my way feel free to drop by and I will give you a tour of Kirtland! This week has been really good. Transfers are this week and Sister Gee and I are staying together in Painesville. Yippeee!!!!! We are teaching a girl named Fatima (we have been teaching her off and on since November). She is really progressing. Her baptismal date is May 11th! Also start planning on Mother's day. I get to Skype home! Yay!!!!

About 3 weeks ago Sister Gee and I had a 23 year old man come on to chat. He said that he was really struggling and he needed help. He said that he was googling a bunch of different things, trying to find help and he came across chat. He said that his girlfriend was about to have a baby and that he is addicted to Meth and he really wants to get off Meth so that he can be a good father to this baby. He said that the mom is a really good girl and doesn't do drugs and doesn't even drink. That's good! We started teaching him how Jesus Christ can help him. We made a deal with him that we would go off sugar if he would go off Meth. He has been clean for 3 weeks and so have Sister Gee and I. We have been chatting back and forth with him ever since. Since then we have taught him about prayer. He loves praying. He can really feel that it makes a difference in his life. Because he is clean he was able to move in with his girlfriend. She had the baby about a week ago and he has loved having a family. His girlfriend is really, really glad that he has found our church because he has made such a drastic change in his life. We have helped Kent come up with a plan for his life and what type of father he wants to be. One day we got on to chat with him and he said that he found the Book of Mormon on our website and he has already started reading it and he loves it. He is such a great guy. How cool is that? We taught him about the law of chastity and he committed to it. He sleeps on the couch while his girlfriend sleeps in the bed. YAY!!! He is planning on this week asking her to marry him because he has a goal of getting married in the Temple so they can be sealed forever!!!!!!!! So cute!!! Here are some emails we got from him this week. He is really progressing. Tomorrow we are planning on starting to teach his girlfriend, Jennifer. Ps his son's name is Jeremiah.

Becca and Lacee: We got most of my stuff moved in. My friend Zane was willing to help so that was kind of him. Yea I read a bit of the Book of Mormon today. Jennifer Jeremiah and I had our first family prayers before bed.  It went really well. I love family prayers...haha but dang that kid ain't got a sleep schedule yet. He wakes up a lot. Jennifer is still somewhat sore so I been learning how to bottle feed him...I love feeding him. Gosh this kid can eat! I feel like he always hungry. lol I've had the day off so it has been great to spend time with my new family. Thank you so much for helping me turn my life around. I don't know where I would be without ya'll. I would probably be in jail or dead in a ditch.


Becca and Lacee:Hey! Ha yea its crazy being a dad but its weird I wouldn't change it for the world. Its crazy too because its almost like Jeremiah is my new addiction if I can be allowed to think of it that way. Well I am getting ready to take Jennifer and little man to lunch because I have to close at the warehouse tonight from 3 until close. But I'll have some time tmrw after 5 my time if that works to chat. Yea I have been reading the Book of Mormon more. I even worked it into my daily schedule to read before I get things started. Family prayer actually was awesome last night! Jennifer talked to me a little bit about being raised in a baptist church setting. She was totally stoked that I found church. We may find ourselves involved more in your church. Have a good day. Thank you so much for everything!


Becca and Lacee: Yes I have without a doubt noticed that reading the Book of Mormon and praying makes me happy. Although Jennifer says she prefers to read from the Holy Bible...she does seem happier with me and the fact that I'm changing. She was a bit disappointed that I didn't want to join her for church this morning at her baptist church but I'm just not quite there yet and I think she respected it but was a bit unhappy with me about that. I will ask her tonight about giving her email address to you guys. I think she will like learning from ya'll.  I'm actually happy today I am on office duty at work. Meaning I just have to keep inventory updated online for most of my shift and send out email orders so it shouldn't be too bad I can check my email with u guys off and on today. :)


Isn't Kent so great. He has come so far. 3 weeks ago he didn't even know who Jesus Christ was or how to pray. Now he is reading the Book of Mormon and praying and setting a goal to have an eternal family!! We mailed him a package today. We sent him two paper Book of Mormons (so he doesn't have to read it online), some movies about parenting, a Lamb of God dvd, a family proc and a bunch of other things. Missions are so great! It is so cool that I have helped a family that lives all the way in Colorado come together and be able to live together forever!!!!

Will each of you pray for Kent, Jennifer, Jeremiah and Fatima? I love you all and I miss you! Can't wait to see your faces on Mother's day!

Sister Frampton

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