Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Baptism!!! x 2

This week has been awesome! I know I keep saying that in each email but seriously this one was great. Thanks for the emails this week and all the pictures. The Frampton party looked way fun. What was going on on the stage with everyone? Did Grandma make everyone do Zumba again?

Ok so this week and last week we have been helping an old crazy lady dehoard her one room apartment. Seriously so scary. I have never had to work with a legit hoarder before. They are scary. It is a really weird psychological problem. About 20 years ago her aunt passed away and left her with 1/2 a million dollars. Sister Jankowski blew through that money on the Home Shopping Network and bought every "as seen on TV" product known to man. It was ridiculous. I mean it is all really nice stuff that is still in the package. I kept asking her if I could have things and she would get really mad. Haha I shouldn't have enjoyed egging her on. We decided to leave all of the really nice, unopened things but get rid of trinkets and junk. Every time she would turn around we would grab a handful of junk and put it in the garbage bag. We did this for 2 days in a row and we didn't even make a dent. It was depressing. Well on Wednesday we were having family night with Connee, Cory, Chuck and Elder Taylor (He is a service missionary at Kirtland) and Jankowski calls us in the middle of a tantrum because she can't find some dinky knick knack. Yikes!!!!! I knew for a fact that we had thrown it away. So we grabbed the 3 boys and off we went to her apartment complex to dumpster dive. Luckily we found what she was wanting back. This happened 2 more times with her. Her dumpster was emptied on Friday so she's out of luck if she wants anything else back. Yikes!!!! haha

Friday night was the ward Halloween party. It was so much fun! Oh my gosh. Remember that my ward is made up of newly married, mid-20 year olds that are in medical school? There are also a billion children and a billion pregnant moms. We had so much fun. The costumes were really, really creative. I was so impressed. It was also packed. They think probably 150 people came. So many people. Connee and Chuck came. They had a really great time. I just love wards that are solid.

Saturday I woke up feeling really great about the day. I mean who wouldn't feel good about a day full of 2 baptisms? We gathered all of the things that we were going to need for the baptism and off we went to Mayfield. Oh my gosh I totally forgot to mention that Sister Palmer came back in town for the baptism. We drove to Connee's house to pick up Sister Palmer. We went to the church and set everything and filled the font. It was so exciting. Of course I was a stress case but I really wanted it to be nice. I set up all of the refreshments and the tables exactly how mom would have done it. It looked good. Chuck and Connee invited tons of their friends so it was packed with non members. It was awesome. I had met a few of them before which was fun to see their friends again. Cory (Connee's son and Chuck's brother) gave a really great opening prayer. He actually got quite emotion in it. It was really neat. Sister Palmer gave a great talk on the Holy Ghost and Chris (my recent convert who has become good friends with Connee and Chuck) gave a talk on baptism. Oh ya so a few days before the baptism Chuck called me and said that instead of his dad doing the musical number he would really like it if I played the piano. Yikes! Does he know that missionaries don't really have time to practice the piano? I ended up playing the piano and it turned out fine. Brother Miner (one of the ward mission leaders) baptized them. Our ward got a new bishop and he is awesome. He said some really great remarks. The thing that I loved the most was Connee and Chuck's testimonies. Connee talked about Matthew 7 

¶Beware of false prophetswhich come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. 16 Ye shall know them by their fruitsDo men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?
 17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruitbut corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.
 18 good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.
 19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.
 20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.

She is really funny and she said "This church has a lot of really good fruit, and it's the kind of fruit that I like." Chuck's testimony was also really great. He said that while he was meeting with us he was really confused about what he should do so he prayed and Heavenly Father answered him by saying "Be still and ye shall know." So Chuck decided to really listen and he knew that this was the true church. It was an awesome baptism. They were so happy! After we went with them and Sister Palmer to Cheesecake Factory for a celebration. It was so fun and exciting. 
When we got to church on Sunday Bishop pulled us into his office and said that the youth are going to the temple on Saturday to do baptisms (the temple is 3 hours away) and he really wants Chuck and Connee to go with them. In order for that to happen Chuck would have to get the Priesthood right after church. WHOA!!! I was not planning on that but it was awesome. Chuck and Connee were confirmed in Sacrament Meeting and then after church Chuck was given the Priesthood. He was given the Aaronic Priesthood ordained to the office of a Priest. He was so happy and excited. They were both so excited to go to the temple to do baptisms. Yesterday they came to the Visitors' Center and Connee kept saying "ok so how do I get baptized for my dad?" It was so cute. They are so excited for the temple. 
As you have heard President asked if I wanted to extend my mission 7 weeks. After much prayer and talking with people I have decided to come home in March when I am suppose to come home. I love my mission so much but it has to come to an end at some point. Right? I love you all so much! Happy Birthday Mccall yesterday and Happy Birthday Austin on Thursday. If anyone wants to write me a letter my address is 7800 Kirtland Chardon Road Kirtland, OH 44094

Sister Frampton

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