Saturday, October 12, 2013


Hello everyone! Guess what?? This Thursday, October 10th, marks my one year mark. Can you believe that? I remember getting dropped off at the MTC and having no clue what I was even doing. Well It's a year later and I've learned a lot. I've had 2 baptisms. I can walk up to a random person and ask them to be baptized. I can explain the restoration and plan of salvation in 5 minutes. I've read the Book of Mormon twice, the Doctrine and Covenants, the New Testament and I'm half way through the Bible. I can give a tour of Kirtland all by myself and even answer all of the hard questions people ask. I can knock on a door without being scared and confidently talk to them. I've come a long way but I've still got a long way to go. I am excited for these next few months. I found out my exact date that I will be going home. It is March 12th. 5 months!
Sister Neslen went home last week. I actually cried. It was so sad. She has come to be one of my best friends. She was a huge part in helping me become the missionary that I am today. There is a huge hole in Kirtland without her. I am glad that I will be able to see her when I get home.
Transfers were last week. We thought for sure that Sister Esplin and I would stay together. She had only been there form 1 transfer. President always keeps someone in an area for at least 2 transfers. If anything I would be the one that would be getting transferred. Days leading up to it I felt really calm. I did not feel at all like I would be leaving. We were called on Monday night and we were shocked to hear that Sister E was getting transferred. Connee, Chuck and Cory took us out to Cheesecake Factory for a goodbye dinner. Thank you for paying for my dinner! My new companion is Sister Ahrendsen. She has been a good friend of mine so I was excited. She is 19 and really immature. President wrote me an email and explained that the reason that he put us as companions is because she really needs help maturing and buckling down and he knows that I will be able to help her and be a good influence on her. That was really nice of him to trust me. It has been a little bit hard this week. She likes to run around and play tricks on everyone. She is great but we aren't at Disneyland. I have a low tolerance level for 19 year olds. I love her and I am excited to be able to help her.
This week Chuck committed to be baptized Oct. 26th. Chuck has some type of special needs and is slower. He is 36 years old and lives at home and doesn't have a job. He spends his days playing with model trains. We aren't 100% sure that he is ready to  be baptized then. We are going to go over the baptismal questions with him tonight and see where he is at. We have taught all of the lessons to Connee so tonight we are going to tell her that she needs to think really hard about this and if she doesn't want it then we are going to hit the road. Sad but true.
Conference was really good this year. We were able to watch it in the huge theater at the Visitors' Center. Because we were scheduled to work at sites we were on deck if anyone came to take a tour. EEWWW we got called out for 2 tours. Both tours were members. I tried to talk them into watching conference and then going on a tour after but they said no. I was kinda rude on tour but it was rude of them to come in for a tour during conference. haha.
Life is good as a missionary. "Legalized sin is still sin." -Elder Nelson
Well I look forward to everyone sending me presents for my one year mark. haha! Thanks for all the support. I love you all. See you in 5 months!
Sister Frampton

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