Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Did you know that I love Kirtland? It is such a cool part of my mission. I get to take people on tours and teach them all about Kirtland. In preparation for whoever is going to come pick me up in March (or if you aren't picking me up I still want you to do this) will you read D&C 84-98 & 101? Those sections were all received in the Newel K. Whitney Store. Those sections includ The Oath and Covenant of the Priesthood, The Word of Wisdom, The Olive Leaf, Building the first temple. A bunch of really cool things happened here in Kirtland. It was the first headquarters of the church, the first first presidency was formed in Kirtland, the first quorum of the 12 was formed, the first quorum of the 70 was formed, the first patriarch was called, the first and second bishop were called, the first high council was organized, the first bishop's storehouse was organized, the first mtc was set up, the School of the Prophets was set up, the Pearl of Great Price was written, the Book of Abraham was translated, 1st edition of the Doctrine and Covenants was published, 2nd edition of the Book of Mormon was printed and the inspired translation of the Bible was written. Sorry I know I am just rambling but it is so cool. One last thing, yesterday I went 3 times to the room where Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ have appeared. I love Kirtland. Get out here and visit me :)

This week was good. We had 13 lessons. Wow that is a lot. Yippeee. We are still teaching Connee and her two sons. BIG NEWS!!!!!!!!!!! Connee's ex husband Judd came to church on Sunday. He is super super anti and he actually came to church. He said that he is going to come next week. I was shocked when he showed up. I actually screamed in the middle of Sunday School when he walked in. It was awesome. Connee knows that everything is true but she still will not get baptized. It is kinda annoying. I have an idea! I don't know who reads my emails of if anyone does or if they go straight to your trash can but will everyone that is reading this email me or mail me their testimony and a reason why Connee should be baptized? I will give these to Connee. She will LOVE it. Please will you do this? If you don't know my email address it is Lacee.Frampton@myldsmail.net and my address address is 7800 Kirtland Chardon Road Kirtland, OH 44094. I think this would be so great for her to have. 

We have been trying to find new people to teach this week. It has been kinda hard. No one wants to meet with us but we are trying. We ran into a JW and had a good chat with her. It was a waste of our time. The area I serve in is basically downtown Cleveland. I love how busy it is all the time. It is also heavily populated with Jewish people. It's kinda fun to see them walking around. Does anyone have any advice with converting Jews? #Jewdownthrowdown 

I really love the ward I am serving in. Everyone is successful. Case Western is in my ward boundaries so everyone goes there for dental or medical school. It's a fun environment. Whenever I have anything wrong with me I can just find someone in sacrament meeting and ask them about it with no charge. Seriously though. I would hate that. Well last Sunday I was able to have someone during Sacrament look at my acne for free. Sweet!!

Next week is transfers. CRAZY!!!!!!!!! Kylie goes home. I am going to be so sad! I love her so much. Most likely Sister Esplin and I are going to stay together in this area. It's getting really cold here. I am not excited for winter here. It gets sooo cold! BURRRR.

Ok well I hope everyone has a good week. Don't forget to send me your letter to Connee! I love you all and miss you like crazy. 

PS October 10th is my one year mark
Sister Frampton

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