Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Baptisms and fame

Thanks for everyone's emails this week. I love opening my emails and seeing so many. Thanks for all of the pictures. That is so fun that Mom, Dad and Austin got to meet all of my Kirtland Friends. I love them and miss them so much! Well remember my email from last week? Well I ended up in the church newspaper. Famous. hahaha! Here is the link to check it out We saw the camera guy and I was like "Hey do you need pictures of Sister Missionaries?" He said "No but I guess I'll take one." Jackpot. The girl on the very left hand side of the picture is Sister Larsen. You met her this weekend. She went home during the summer and came back for the big celebration.
Nothing too exciting or new happened this week. We have been preparing like crazy for Connee and Chuck's baptism. They had their baptismal interview on Friday and they passed with flying colors. I am so proud of their success and how much they have changed. I was really scared when I first met Connee. She laughed at the Book of Mormon and would say some really wacky things like it was ok if someone killed another person as long as they found God along the way. I am glad she is passed all of that. We got them all fitted in their baptismal jumpsuits and they looked good! Their baptism is this Saturday at 1:00. Say a little prayer during that time :) Sister Palmer is coming back for the baptism and I am so excited!
Do you remember my recent convert Chris? He was baptized last month? He is amazing!!! Each month at the Visitors' Center we have a fireside that is directed towards investigators. Chris was asked to speak at it and tell his experience of how he came to know this church was true. He came 30 mins before and he said that he had been fasting all day (Did I mention that he is amazing?) He stood up and for about 7 mins he powerfully said that members of the church need to be more diligent in the faith. He went on to teach us what it means to be diligent. It was so powerful. It was the type of rebuking by the Spirit that Apostles do. He then went on to say that this is a church that loves one another, truly loves one another. He said that his favorite part about the church is that he has opportunities to help others where as in his Catholic church only nuns and priests help others. He bore a really, really powerful testimony. Geez I want him to be my missionary so I can just sit and learn from him. He is reading the Book of Mormon for the 3rd time right now. He finishes school in February and is planning on going back home to New York. I told him that if my family goes to the Sacred Grove in March that he will need to come with us. Oh yeah Chris will be giving a talk at Connee and Chuck's baptism!

On Saturday we went on exchanges. It was a lot of fun. We went with the Sisters that are in our ward. I liked doing that because I already know the area and the members and people that we would be meeting with for the day. It was pouring rain all day long!!!!! It was actually a lot of fun to tract in the rain ( I think it was fun because I have learned how to bundle up and wear my rain gear). When people would open the door they would tell us that we were so crazy to be out in the rain. I enjoyed it. We had a lot of miracles and we were able to give out 4 Book of Mormons. Being a missionary is so much fun.
The Visitors' Center is getting ready for the nativities. It is so weird that this will be my 2nd nativities exhibit. I am excited for Christmas. Christmas at the Visitors' Center is the best. Also we get to SKYPE on Christmas! YAY!
Halloween is coming quick. People don't disappoint in Ohio. They decorate for EVERY holiday. There are so many fun house displays. For Halloween we are going to go to Connee's house and carve pumpkins. President doesn't want us out that night so how perfect that Connee invited us over! She will no longer be marked as "an investigator with a baptismal date" but as "a recent convert."
Being a missionary is awesome. I am excited to come home and help the family become a missionary family. I love this church.

Sister Frampton

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