Thursday, August 29, 2013

Hello family. 

Crazy that Mccall is on a mission. So fun that Sailor is there to keep Austin some what busy. Thanks for all of the emails this week. This week was transfers. Sister Palmer went home. It was so sad. I loved her so much. My new companion is Sister Esplin. This week we were able to teach Connee, Cory and Chuck and Carmella.  Connee is really close to baptism. She will probably get baptized next month. On Saturday Stephanie took us out to lunch. There is a kid named Chris that I taught when I was in Euclid. He has been going to the singles branch so Stephanie knows him. He came to lunch with us also. He wants to get baptized but he is having trouble with the Book of Mormon and with Joseph Smith. Stephanie spent the whole lunch time teaching him and helping him overcome his problems. I basically spent the whole time with my mouth wide open. Stephanie is amazing. Today she left for China. She will be spending 9 months there. She is going to be awesome. She asked me for a whole stack of cards so she could hand them out to people that she meets. Stephanie and a bunch of the kids from the singles branch came out to Kirtland and we gave them a tour and it was so much fun. Our ward mission leader out here is amazing!!! He is 32 and a dermatologist. He was a bishop in Florida so he really knows how to get the work done. He has been working with the Francis family (Connee, Cory and Chuck). The Elders that are in my ward had a baptism this week. So far this month our district has had 3 baptisms. That's the most a district has had this month. Yippeee!!!! So all of the leaves on the trees are bright red and falling off. All of the locals have been freaking out because that means that it is going to be a horrible winter. It is already fall out here and it's still August. YIKES!!! There are only 7 out of the 30 site sisters that are here that have experienced a winter here. None of them have coats or boots. Our ward is getting really nervous for the winter so on Saturday they had a cooking with out power and how to stay warm class. It was actually really cool. Did you know that you can line a cardboard box with tin foil and then put charcoal in it and it becomes an oven? That was pretty cool. I am so glad that I am already ready for the winter. Also dad a few weeks ago I took one of your cousins on tour. I forgot her name sorry. She said that her maiden name is Doxey. She said that she would Facebook you and tell you that she saw me. Also we were at Zone conference and this lady walked up to me and said "You look exactly like Shelley Frampton." What the heck??? Her name is Becky Busath. She lived in San Antonio with us. Now she lives in Ohio. Crazy! I've seen lots of miracles this week! I love being a missionary so much. Thanks for all of your prayers. My bites on my leg are still there and finally this week the infection has gone down. Yippee. Have a good first week of 8th grade Austin. I love you Mccall! The MTC is the best place ever!!!!

Sister Frampton

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Such a good week

Hey family. This week is the big week Mickle! I am so excited for you. yay!!! Well on Saturday we had a baptism. Her name is Stephanie Cushey. She is amazing. In 2 weeks she is moving to China for a study abroad so we have been in contact with the YSA branch president in Beijing and they are going to take good care of her. I emailed OJ and Tara and they have some American friends in Beijing that can make sure she stays strong in the church. The baptism was really stressful but once it started it was amazing. The spirit was so strong. She got baptized in the YSA ward so fellowship for her was really easy. Usually 15-20 people show up for a baptism but we had 50+ people there. The Visitors' Center director and his wife came. Stephanie was so happy to be baptized. She gave a really great testimony at the end. For converts they confirm them in Sacrament Mtg. so we were able to go to the YSA branch for that. Sister Palmer and I were bawling the whole time because it was so neat! Yay the church is true! We are still teaching Connee and Cory. They are slowly coming along. Connee is coming along more then Cory. Cory now works on Sundays which stinks but Connee told us that she would come to church. She didn't come and she didn't call us or text us back when we asked where she was. Uh oh. We went to her house as soon as we could and she said she was "sick". Nope she wasn't. She finally came out and said that she had anti'ed herself, meaning that she had looked up some anti websites. She had a lot of questions for us but she came to the realization that so far she has like what she has seen with the church and she is going to continue with it until she sees something that she doesn't like. Fair enough. We are still teaching Carmella. Carmella is great but she thinks that worshiping Jesus in any way is good. She doesn't believe that there is just one way that we should. It's hard to get people to change their mind about things. Sister Palmer leaves this week to go home. I am so sad. She is so great and we have had a lot of miracles together. Hopefully my new companion is ready to work. Oh ya so I woke up a few days ago and I couldn't walk. Something got me. The mission doctor told me to take a Benadryl and sleep all day. So that's what I did on Wednesday. Lame. No one really knows what it is because we couldn't find any trace of bed bugs. Connee is a nurse so she freaked out when I came to her house with two legs all wrapped up. She had some steroid cream at her house so she put that all over it and properly wrapped them up. She was so nice to help me. Our ward mission leader Brother Miner is a dermatologist so he was able to prescribe me something for free. The bites are going down which is good. I was really scared for a second because I couldn't even walk. Despite all of that I love being a missionary. I think Sister Palmer and I discovered why missionaries are tired ALL THE TIME! It's because we are having spiritual experiences all day. Those wipe you out. Kirtland is the best mission ever! I love being out here and I never want to come home. haha. Have a good week everyone. Ps mom could you send me 2 white shade shirts? Thanks. Love you all so much!

Sister Frampton

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Have you hugged your banjo today?

Hey favorite family! Thanks for all of the emails and pictures! I am so sad that I wasn't able to be there yesterday but it sounds like and it looked like it went really well. Congrats Pickle! So I spent all of my computer time listening to McCall's talk so I only have about 5 mins left to email. I saw tons of miracles this week!!!! On Wednesday we had zone conference. President said that we have 275 missionaries in the mission and only 80 of them have been out 6 months of longer. Whoa!!! On Saturday I hit my 10 month mark. So crazy!! It really doesn't seem that I have been out this long. Stephanie is still getting baptized on Saturday. We taught her the word of wisdom. It literally took 10 mins because she agreed with everything and had no problem! She passed her baptismal interview with flying colors. We just love her! SAturday at 4:30 folks! We taught a new girl that signed up for a free bible. She is so cute. We have been teaching Corey and Connie still. Connie said that she is as close as she has ever been to baptism. That is huge because when we first met her she was so argumentative with us. We wanted Corey and Connie to be able to tour the church before they came to church so we arranged a huge church tour for them on Saturday. All the ward missionaries were there plus 6 families from the ward. It was a huge success!!!!!!! They loved being able to meet people and see what church was like. We are still teaching Carmella. She is ready to be baptized but wont until her husband is on board (fair enough). We had 5 investigators come to church on Sunday! AHHHH!!!!!!!!! I cannot believe that. We had Stephanie, Connie, Corey, Carmella and her 23 year old daughter Sophia. It was such a great Sunday. Heavenly Father is working huge miracles right now. My companion goes home next week. 7 new missionaries are coming out so most likely I will train (eeekkkk)! I love you all and miss you all a lot. Good luck Mickle!

Sister Frampton

Many, many miracles

This week I saw so many miracles. Literally each day this week I saw multiple miracles each day. Heavenly Father is so cool! So Monday after pday we had a meal with a couple from the ward. After dinner we were going to go tracting but it was super rainy so we went home and went through the area book, looking for past people that have been taught. We called lots of people but everyone said no. We called a guy named Kevin. He was really nice but said that he didn't really want to learn from us. His teaching record said that he is a really successful, solid guy so he would be someone good to teach. About 10 mins later he called us back. Background: About 45 mins. from Kirtland, in Hiram,the church has a Historic Site-The John Johnson Farm. It doesn't ever get busy out there so they have a few senior couples that live down there and give tours of it. Kevin said that he has an appointment in Hiram and he knows that the Johnson Farm is down there. He said that he is interested in taking a tour there and was wondering if he could set up a time with us. AHH this is soo cool! We aren't allowed to take that much time to go down there but we trust the missionaries down there to give him a really great tour. He said that he would call us after he takes a tour down there and let us know what he thought of it. Hopefully he will want to meet with us and learn more!!! On Tuesday we taught Stephanie (the girl that is getting baptized Aug. 17th). We taught tithing. She said that if she decides to get baptized she would pay tithing. Wait... We thought she had already decided to get baptized. Uhh... We asked her what was going on and she said that some days she believes it to be true and other days she doesn't. She said that she she was 50/50 at this point on wanting to get baptized. Shoot... Well we kinda have to know at this point so we can make sure that she has been taught everything and so we can plan a baptism. We were pretty much at a loss after the lesson. Sister Palmer and I sat down for like an hour in silence and tried to think of a lesson that would totally change her mind. We tried to think what did it for us. I have no idea. It was just a slow, gradual process. I tried to think of activities that we did at EFY and that helped the youth have a really strong, spiritual experience. I came up with a really great idea and Sister Palmer agreed to it. We decided to have a lesson that was centered on Jesus Christ. We wanted to watch the Mormon Message-His Sacred Name and then have her sit and write in her journal about Jesus Christ. We wanted her to be able to have an experience all on her own without us yappin to her. I typed up this little paper that had some good thought provoking questions about the Atonement that she could read during her time alone. (I'll tell you more about her lesson latter, I know I'm leaving you hanging...) So that was Tuesday. On Wednesday we had District Meeting. Blah blah blah. No one really enjoys district meeting. I guess they have to give the district leader a chance to talk and feel good about themselves. Opps did I just say that? Whatever. At the end of the meeting we were putting the tables and chairs away and in walks a man, Michael. He looked way confused. We were the only ones in the whole building so we were equally confused. (The missionary broadcast was on to something with having missionaries inside of church buildings so they can teach people when they just randomly waltz in.) He said that he really needs someone to help him get Jesus back into his life. This guy was a mess. Poor fellow. There are 10 missionaries in my district, that's a lot of people trying to teach one guy. The other set of sisters and us had to be at the Visitors' Center right away so we decided to leave it in the hands of the elders. As we were walking to our car we saw a lady sitting in a car in the parking lot. We went over to her and she said that she was Michael's girlfriend, Marci. We talked to her for a minute and we convinced her to get out of the car and have a lesson with the 4 of us. We sat on the sidewalk and talked for about 20 mins. As we were getting ready to say a prayer with her the 6 elders and Michael walked out and we all kneeled down in the grass in a circle and said a prayer with them. It was really cool. It really bonded our district together. Michael and Marci live in Kirtland so we passed on the information to the Sisters that cover Kirtland. Hopefully something comes from that!!!! It seriously was such a cool experience. On Thursday we had a lesson with a lady named Carmella. She is great. She agrees with everything that we teach but she is a little discouraged because no one else in her family is on board. She committed to coming to church. After that we had a lesson with Connie and her 32 year old son, Corey. We have been meeting with them once a week. They started out as being really argumentative but slowly they have started to agree with us and lessons have been going really good. We didn't have a lesson planned with them we just wanted to stop by and say hey. Connie, Corey and Chuck (Corey's 36 year old brother) were all home and weren't doing anything. They kept expressing to us how grateful they were that we came by to see them. Corey just recently bought a tan FIAT so of course I was going on and on about FIATS and how great they are and we walked out and he gave me a minute to sit inside of it. Pathetic, I know. We asked if they wanted to read the Book of Mormon with us so together we read Mosiah 4. It was so good. They agreed with everything!  It was almost our dinner time so about half way through the chapter we were like "ok so together can you finish the chapter?" Connie said "No no no please finish it with us. I don't want to stop reading." What the heck??!!! She was being dead serious. It was so cool. This never happens with her. We finished reading the chapter and she asked if she could take us all to the Cheesecake Factory. I was shocked. Heck yes you can!!!!! We had the best conversation at dinner. Connie asked us why we decided to serve missions and how the whole process works. She was really impressed with us and missionaries in general. She asked us what the biggest miracle we have seen on our missions was. Connie told us that she loves meeting with us and that "we are like a breath of fresh spring air." Corey said that he likes meeting with us because we listen to what he has to say and we help him become better. It was so nice everything they were saying. It is sometimes nice to be appreciated as a missionary. It doesn't happen too often but when it does it is nice. I was so touched they would say things like that. I think it was Heavenly Father helping me see that I really can make a different out here. Connie kept saying that she believes it is a miracle from God that we tracted into them. (Chuck is really nice to us but he is not interested in learning from us so he just kind sat there during dinner). Connie and Corey committed to coming to church but they didn't end up coming but they did say they would come next week for sure. That night Stephanie cancelled on us and we were so sad and mad!! We thought for sure this was the end of it with her. It was really frustrating. On Friday we got a hold of Stephanie and she agreed to meet with us on Saturday. fffeewww! Stephanie lives in our area but is 20 so she goes to the single's ward. We were able to get the ward mission leader of the single's ward to come to the lesson with us. We watched the short Mormon Message and then went in the chapel for the activity. We were in there for about 20 mins. I played the piano while everyone else just sat and wrote in their journals. We then came together and just had a really good conversation. Stephanie said that she doesn't really have a problem with anything doctrinal, it's more of a social issue. No one in her family knows she is getting baptized and her friends that know have been making fun of her. It was really great to be able to get that concern out of her. The 4 of us just really had a good conversation about everything. The Spirit was way strong. We crossed our fingers that something good would come out of it. The whole mission started a fast together Saturday night and we were fasting for all of the investigators that have baptismal dates for August (42 people). On Sunday Carmella showed up to church!!!!! Huge miracle. During Sacrament all of the sudden she just went up and bore her testimony. WHOA! It was a really good one. She even cried and said how grateful she was that we found her. She also pointed her finger and said I hope that you all appreciate the missionaries. Whoa! Amazing!!! I want her to get baptized sooo bad! One day I know for sure she will get baptized! Stephanie doesn't come to church with us because she goes to the single's ward so after church we texted her. This is how our texts went:
Us: Hey Stephanie! How was church today?
Stephanie: Church was awesome! I'm pretty sure I want to be baptized like 99!
Us:That's so awesome! What made it jump up to 99?
Stephanie: I was already leaning towards it but our lesson yesterday and church made me think a lot so I prayed and talked to a friend and read the Book of Mormon and I feel ready.
Us: Stephanie that is so great! Congrats. Who was the friend that you talked to?
Stephanie: Maddi, who is one of my closest friends from high school. She's really supportive.
Us: That's awesome that she is such a good friend. You should invite her to your baptism.
Stephanie: I already did :)
AMAZING!!!!!! Get ready folks. We're having a baptism Aug. 17th. I am so excited!!! 

 Everything is going really great here. Sister Palmer goes home in about 3 weeks so we've got a lot to do by then. Good luck Mccall with your talk! Record it and send it to me. I want to hear it. Is anyone else speaking at it? I love you all and miss you a lot. This is just really funny and I don't want anyone's feelings to get hurt but most of the Visitors' Center sisters out here have a sibling that doesn't write them. We started a club and I am part of it! Thanks Dall for helping me get in the club! Sister Palmer's twin brother doesn't write her and Lexi doesn't write Sister Neslen. Eh oh well. So for the past two weeks I have been only eating paleo. It is hard but good. I feel better. Oh ya, last night we had an end of summer picnic with the people from Community of Christ (RLDS) that work at their Visitors' Center. It was so much fun. They have about 5 interns in their 20s that have come from other states to work for the summer. We played volleyball. It was so much fun. I am actually really good (I know, you all are surprised)! We laughed so much last night. I love all of the sisters that I serve with. It seriously is like a huge sorority. There are sites sisters that live about an hour from Kirtland so when they are assigned to work it's usually a few days in a row so they can just sleep in Kirtland. About 3 nights a week we have 8-10 sisters in our house. It is so much fun. I love being a missionary. Has anyone had any cool missionary experiences lately? I would love to hear them. Also could everyone please make a profile? It doesn't take long. I use those when I chat online with people. It is good for people to see that Mormons are normal. Please let me know when you have made your profile so I can use it when I teach. I love you all so much and miss you!!!

#10monthsout #comeseeme #visitorscentersistersarethebest #iloveohio #writeback #sendmepackages :)

9.5 folks

Hey everyone. Thanks for the email this week Mom! Also tell grandma Schaar thanks for the letter. I got it and I am in the process of writing her back. It sounds like Cali was tons of fun! 

This week was good. Long but good. We have been teaching a super prepared girl named Stephanie. She is getting baptized August 17th. YAY! We scheduled to have her come to the Visitors' Center for a lesson on Tuesday. When she got here is was mad chaos. A huge tour bus had just shown up and some missionaries hadn't shown up yet for their shift. It was so awkward because Stephanie was just standing there as we were trying to arrange it so we wouldn't have to go out on tour. After a bunch of chaos I decided to take the tour our alone and Sister Palmer decided to teach Stephanie. We were going to teach her about tithing but she was having a really hard time recognizing the Spirit so Sister Palmer talked to her about that instead. She said that it went really good and Stephanie is still planning on August 17th. Stephanie is great!!!!

Also on Tuesday I chatted with Kent. Remember him? We have been chatting about once a week. He is still in rehab and has to have his conversations monitored which means he gets computer time once a week. Kent finally told us what one of his concerns was. He doesn't think his prayers are good enough. I helped him learn how to formulate better prayers and he prayed (by prayed I mean he typed it over chat). It went really well.

Wednesday was really crowded at the Visitors' Center. Tons of tours!! At the end of the night we had a huge Pioneer Day BBQ with all of the Sisters that serve at the Visitors' Center and all of the Senior Couples that serve here. It was a lot of fun. We spent the whole night laughing so hard. Sister Neslen told everyone that Mccall does a really good plastic surgery face and then everyone asked me what it looked like. Of course I can't do it but everyone made Kylie and I do it. It was so funny. Wish you were here for that Mickle! 

I think the heat wave of Ohio is finally over!!!! YAY!!!!!! It was seriously the worst thing ever. It has now cooled down to the 80's.
On Thursday I went on exchanges with Sister Nelson. We stayed in my area. It was a lot of fun. We stopped by this old lady who is addicted to pain pills. She legit has the devil in her. It was scary. haha. We spent most of the day contacting people in the park and trying to get them to listen to us. People in Ohio just don't want to listen to us. 

On Saturday we taught a really great lesson to our investigators Connie and Corey. It was the Plan of Salvation. They totally understood it and the accepted it to be true! The Spirit was there way strong!!!! I love when the Spirit is in lessons that we teach. After that lesson we were on our way to a member dinner and we came upon the Celestial Kingdom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A huge shopping center that had ANTHROPOLOGIE and LULU in it. I know that this sounds really shallow but seeing things like this help me remember that God loves me. God had to remind us that he loves us because of what was going to come..... The Marx!!!!! They invited us over for dinner. They live in this tiny, tiny apartment. They have cats and dogs. Their apartment is covered in animal hair and smells like pee. The food they gave us was covered in animal hair. I couldn't do it. I honestly felt like I was going to throw up. I did however come up with a plan. I opened my napkin across my lap and the second they both looked away I dumped my whole plate onto my lap and balled it up in the napkin. Get ready for this Mccall! It's so funny. I left the meal not taking one single bite. I'm pretty proud of myself for that. :)

Everything is going really great out here in Ohio! I love being a missionary. Thanks for all you guys do. Have any of you had any missionary experiences lately? I would love to hear them. I love you all lots.


Heat Wave

Hello Hello! Thanks for all of the emails and pictures this week. The videos were HILARIOUS! Austin dancing! Killed me! Disneyland looked so fun. Congrats on waking up at the same time as me when you got in line for Cali adventures. I can totally see Mccall with a schedule for everyone. haha! Fun! I'll be there next year.

So this week has been crazy. Everyone here is MELTING!!! There is an unusual heat wave that has struck Ohio. 95 degrees + 80% humidity = 112 degrees. It has been all over the news not to go outside. Yikes! We have been taking tons of youth tours lately and the youth have been sneaking away from the tour to go sit inside where there is air condition. Always by the end of the tour we are talking to 6 adults and 5 youth. It's so funny! Hopefully it starts to cool off! 

We are currently teaching this girl named Stephanie. She is 20 years old. She started talking to missionaries when she was in Michigan for college. She came home for the summer and we are now teaching her. She goes to the single's ward but since she is in our area we get to teach her. She is awesome!!! We feel like we are just hangin out with our friend. She reads the BofM each day and prays and goes to church. She is getting baptized August 17. YAY my first baptism.

My ward is pretty sweet. The Shaker ward and the Euclid ward (my last area) has been named "BYU extension." Everyone has just gotten married, graduated BYU and going to dental school. It's fun to be in a ward where everyone is the same age as you. 

Ok so here is the big news I've been waiting to tell you. On Wednesday we were at the Visitors' Center. It was so crazy busy. There were 3 big youth groups inside the Visitors' Center. The senior missionary that was sitting at the desk was trying to figure out which missionaries would take which group out on tour. I was walking towards the theater to see if anyone in there needs a tour and all of the sudden I grabbed this lady that was walking past me. It was so weird and kinda hard to explain. I didn't see this lady before I grabbed her. My body just lurched at her and grabbed her and even before I saw her face I said " I know you." Then she turned and looked at me and I yelled " Oh my gosh I do know you." Guess who it was? (Hopefully she hasn't already emailed you and spoiled the surprise.) It was Jessica Storm. Remember her? I have no idea how that happened. I guess it was the Holy Ghost! There is no way that in a crazy crowd of people I could have picked her out. She looked at me kinda funny and then looked at my name tag and then started screaming. It was so fun! Her and her family were walking outside with another set of sisters to take a tour but I told them that I wanted to take their family. Because it was so busy my companion took the youth tour we were suppose to take and I was able to take Jessie and her family (6 kids, which included a 7 week baby) out on tour alone! It was such a cool experience. He oldest son is 15. He is huge. So crazy that she has a kids that is that old. Her kids are so cute and so put together and well behaved. They all have bright white blonde hair. She asked about all of you and I gave her and her husband the update. It was so much fun! She is so nice. They are living in Morgan Utah right now. We spent about 2 1/2 hours together. Cool huh? She said that she would send the pictures she took on her phone. Have you gotten them yet?

I love you all so much! Hey this week when you pray will you pray for Stephanie and Nicole? Will you also pray that we will find people to teach? Ya'll are the best! Have fun at the beach!

Sister Frampton

Half Way!

Hey ya'll!
Guess what folks? July 10th marked my 9 month mark! Half way!!!! eeekkk... I cannot believe that I have been gone for 9 months. No way! Not real. It's all downhill from here! 

So Friday was transfers. Sister Poppleton was going home which was kinda hard. She got into this really kinda weird panic mode, like she has to do every single thing before she goes home. Which is understandable but it was hard. When we were at Sites we would take every tour, sometimes 7 a day. And we would tract for 5 hours some days. I learned how to work really hard. It's hard sending a missionary home. If you remember, last week I told you that 2 new missionaries would be taking over my last area, Euclid South. They ended up putting 2 full pros sisters (meaning they don't work at the Visitors' Center, which also means that they spend 24/7 in their area) in the area. The area was hopping. We had 21 investigators that we were trying to teach and tons of less actives and all of the members wanted to be involved. We just couldn't do it all because some weeks we were only in our area 2 days. I'm sad but I am also happy that these new sisters will be able to get all the work done. It's kinda a compliment that we had so much work going on that we couldn't take care of it all. Some areas have too little of work and they are doing the opposite by taking missionaries out. Last transfer we worked with Brother Skovira. He got baptized 5 years ago and instantly went less active. He didnt really understand what he was committing to do when he got baptized. We worked really hard with him all transfer and in 2 weeks he is going to receive his endowments at the Columbus temple! YAY!!! So proud of him. He is in his 50s with 2 kids that aren't members.

So on Friday I got transferred to Shaker Heights North. It shares boundaries with Euclid South so the areas are exactly the same. They even meet in the same church building. The area is young families that are going to Case Western for Dental school. A year ago the Shaker ward and the Euclid ward was part of the Shaker ward and then they split it because it was growing so both wards are best friends. It's fun. My new companion is Sister Palmer. She is amazing!! I love her so much. In real life we would totally be best friends! I attached a picture that I also sent last week but I put it this week to show you who Sister Palmer is. She is the one in stripes. She grew up doing ballet and has worked for the past few years as a yoga teacher. I have always looked up to her as a missionary. We are going to have a really great transfer together. She goes home at the end of the transfer. She is so funny she said "In no way am I going to get trunky so you have nothing to worry about." haha. 

There is a really cool young family that just moved into the Shaker Ward, the Miners. We had dinner at their house on Friday. At the end of the meal they were like "we know that you normally ask us this but we are going to ask you... who do you know that we can teach and fellowship?" What?? They want to be put to work and they want to basically act like they are full time missionaries. They said that we can have people over to their house for dinner anytime and they will go and visit anyone we ask them to. I love them!!

We had a really cool miracle this week. Last week Sister Palmer and her companion tracted into a guy named David. He is in his early 30s and said that his wife and their daughter were gone in Disneyland. He gave them his phone number and told them to come back. We went back on Friday. They were sitting outside on their driveway. We met the wife and we started giving her a little shpeal about how we are missionaries and how as missionaries we help families come closer together blah blah blah. She then said "I am actually a lifelong member." Sister Palmer is hilarious. She opened her mouth and full on gasped and said "a member of what?" Andrea said "of the church." Sister Palmer said "Of what church? This church?" It was so funny. Turns out this lady was baptized when she was 8 and about 10 years ago fell away. She told us that her grandparents are temple sealers in the St. George temple. No way! Her records aren't in our ward and no one knows about her. David then said "Ya I've actually been thinking about having you girls over for a BBQ sometime." What the? David has been thinking about us. David totally wants to get baptized. Andrea asked us if we serve just in the Cleveland area and we told her we are also at the Visitors' Center. They looked at each other and said we were actually going to go to the Visitors' Center tomorrow. Are you working tomorrow! YES we were!!! AHhhhhh!!!!! Then she said "I've wanted to go because Lorenzo Snow was my grandpa and he was baptized in Kirtland." No way?? No big deal that one of her great grandpas was a prophet. Miracle!!!!! We texted them later that night and said that we were excited to see them at sites. However, they didn't ever show up at sites. We were so sad. We didn't know what to do. We didn't want to be pushy and text them and say where were you but we wanted them to know that we were waiting for them. At the end of the night last night David texted us and he said "Sorry we didn't make it. We want to come another day. Hope to see you soon." This is so rare. No one ever texts us when they flame us! David seems so interested in the church but we think he is being really careful because his wife must have had a bad experience with it. I am so excited for this miracle. Guess who we called right after this? The Miners. They are going to invite David and his family over for dinner and it is going to be awesome!

Missionary work is sooo cooolll!! I hope you are all doing it. Get out and find people that need the gospel. You can do it! I hope that ya'll have a fun time in Newport! I'll be their next year for sure! Love you all so much. If anyone wants to write me a letter (hint hint, i love mail) my address is 7800 Kirtland Chardon Road Kirtland,OH 44094

Sister Frampton

Happy 4th!

Hey hey! Thanks everyone for your emails this week. Loved seeing all of the pictures. Well this week was really good until today. Transfers are this week. Sister Poppleton is going home so that meant that I was going to be taking over Euclid and getting a new companion. Nope. I found out this morning that I'm getting transferred. Because our area is so successful they need missionaries that can be their full time and not have to spend half of the week at the Visitors' Center. I seriously am so sad right now. I loved my area. I was only here for one transfer. I do know that I will still be living on site of the Visitors' Center but in a different house. Ugh that means that after this I have to book it home to pack. I'll let ya know about transfers The transfer meeting is Friday. 

We've been working with a less active in our area, Brother Skovira. He was baptized 5 years ago and then kinda dropped off the face of the Earth. We have been helping him come back to church and we have been getting him ready to go to the temple to do baptisms. He had his interview yesterday for his recommend. We saw him after and he was like I guess bishop wants me to get my endowments instead. YAY!!!!! We are so excited. He said he couldn't have done it with out us. I'm sad that I will be leaving him but in 2 weeks he will have gone through the temple.

We had a ward activity on Saturday. We had a pot luck and watched the Kirtland pageant. We actually had an investigator come to it. Her name is Margaret. She is about 60 years old. She has been investigating the church off and on for 30 years and she told us she will never become Mormon. Miracles can happen right? The play was really cute. Kirtland is trying really hard to have a big pageant. It's not gonna happen Kirtland. It was put on by the Kirtland Stake aka it was a road show. Parts of it were really rough and the singing is just eh... but it was so cute. Our investigator really liked it. The elder's brought an investigator who is getting baptized in a few weeks. 

We had a fun 4th of July. We were asked not to tract or to really bug anyone. We had no idea what we would do. We share a street with the Shaker Heights North sisters so we decided to stand at a stop light and hand out free lemonade with pass along cards. It was a lot of fun and the people loved it. Whenever it was a red light we would all run up to cars. Everyone was honking and saying happy 4th. I love the girls that we did it with. 

It feels like nothing really happened this week but we were really busy. Fireflies are every where. It is hard "killing" a companion. They get trunky quick. Hopefully I gave her a good last transfer. Thanks for all ya'll do! I love you all. Have a fun trip in Newport!!
